"I’m hiding!
I’m hiding!
I’m hiding away from youuuuuu.
Can you see me? Can you find me?
You’ll be happy when you do! Boo!"- a story Donovan tells Grace
Where's Grace hiding? Where's the birthday girl??? We all had a wonderful time in the park Saturday for Grace's 2nd birthday. The party then moved over to Donovan & Maria's home, where we imbibed on beer and laughter and love. It ain't gonna be easy to leave these people when I move back to Wisconsin in late July. Click on
READ MORE! to see more pix - and some very special people in my life who I will miss terribly.

Maria's family - left to right: Michael (my age), Mom, Dad, Bill and Maria. Great people. I'm truly gonna miss them.

Maria making balloon animals for the kiddies.

Jake, Madison and Taylor - brother Michael's children.

Even Grace's sister, my goddaughter, Gwyneth, had fun...though all eyes were on her older sister. Well...not all eyes.

Grace trying to make sense out of all the hoopla. "2" can be very confusing sometimes.

Donovan's magic case.

Yes, "D" knows magic. He used to perform at children's parties. He was very good. He made a yellow handkerchief disappear right in front of my eyes and I was standing a foot away.

Grace, Grandma McCann and Gwyneth.

Uh-oh...time to sing
"Happy Birthday" to Gracie.

WAS a wonderful cake.

Cleaning up at the McCann-Glover home! Owen, Grace and Wyatt getting a much need scrub down after playing in the park for Grace's b-day. Owen and Wyatt belong to Susie and Jay - Grace's godparents (Nino and Nina) and close friends Donovan & Maria's. Good people. More people to miss when I move away. :(
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