Magic Castle in Hollywood. If anyone asks I was never there.
The world famous Magic Castle in Hollywood. Private club. Invitation only. Jacket and tie mandatory. No picture-taking inside or you will be asked to leave. Very mysterious. I went with a small group of friends and we had an extraordinary time. Lots of magic shows - very good magic. Theoretically you could go and not attend one magic show, yet occupy hours walking around and checking out the decor, interesting pictures, paintings, vintage posters, etcetera. It reminded me of The Safe House in Milwaukee (another bar) or Harry Potter's school, Hogworts, with alcohol.
Left to right: Bobby (Maria's cousin), Donovan & Maria, me, Susie & Jay. I look short, don't I. I'm 5'10"...above average male height. You'll have to pardon my dishevelment but the dress shirt I wore was not meant for use with a tie or jacket. Should've buttoned my jacket for the picture at least - how gauche. D & M are my closest friends in CA - I go to their home in Tujunga near Pasadena every weekend to watch football on the NFL Ticket. They asked me to be godfather to Gywneth, who is due in December. Their first daughter, Grace, was a year in June and I love her very much. I'm babysitting for her this Saturday.
By the way, Bobby disappeared during the evening and no one could seem to find him. Seriously...we still don't where he is.
If you would like to read more about the history of the castle and see a few more pix, click on READ MORE!
(WAIT! There's more...)

(Text is courtesy of The Magic Castle website.)
The Magic Castle is the private clubhouse for the Academy of Magical Arts, Inc, a very special organization devoted to the advancement of the ancient art of magic. The purpose of The Academy is to encourage and promote public interest in the art of magic with particular emphasis on preserving its history as an art form, entertainment medium, and hobby. Beginning with a charter membership of 150, the Academy has grown into a world-renowned fraternal organization with a membership of nearly 5,000 in over two dozen countries. Steve Martin, Jason Alexander, Cary Grant and Johnny Carson have all performed magic here.

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