I'm wearing my new "Edie" tee today.
I saw "Factory Girl" last week, the bio on socialite/model/artist Edie Sedgwick, starring Sienna Miller and Guy Pearce. Fascinating look into Warhol's "The Factory" - basically his NY studio/entourage of artists, bohemians, druggies and other assorted deviants that was his primary focus in Manhattan from 1962-1968, and Edie's involvement in it. It details her rise to becoming the queen of the underground film culture - and her fall (her death in 1971 was ruled "undetermined/accident/suicide"...her death certificate claims the immediate cause was "probable acute barbiturate intoxication" due to ethanol intoxication).

If I've piqued your interest, here's a brief clip about Edie, from the Andy Warhol docu on PBS, as well as a trailer for "Ciao! Manhattan" - Edie's last film that I believe was never completed - or is available in a very rough cut. That's Edie narrating on the trailer. You can surf the Internet yourself for clips from the movie. You'll also wanna click on READ MORE! for more pix of the real Edie and to see my friend/co-worker Robert Yu with Sienna at a dinner party. She's a doll.
(WAIT! There's more...)
From Wikipedia - Who was Edie Sedgwick? In many ways, she was the generic good-time girl, a renegade spirit from a blue-blooded family of pill-popping, highly strung neurasthenics. Arriving in New York in the 1960s, she soon became part of Warhol's Factory, a midtown artist's studio reconceived as an assembly line for the production of silkscreen prints, sculptures and experimental films...

...Here, even among the assorted hipsters, drag queens and rent boys who liked to party and hang out, she shone. Warhol dubbed her a "superstar". She may have worked briefly as a model for Vogue, but she was essentially a glamorous frippery - a scenester rather than a creator, an early example of someone who was famous for being famous. She couldn't act, or sing, but she could be - splendidly. This is not a negligible talent, and from early in her short-lived life, she was commemorated by artists: the Velvets wrote a song about her; Dylan's Just Like a Woman is reputed to be about her, too. Madonna dressed up as her in the video for Deeper and Deeper.

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