Passion = Truth? How Jeffrey James Francis Ircink Sees The World? I love when people are passionate about something. That surging of emotion is the one honest measure of what truth is. It's a truthful display of how a person really feels about something or someone at that particular moment. That passion IS truth.
Ex-producer of THE REALLY FUNNY HORNY GOAT INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL, playwright, actor, singer, outdoorsman, blogger, amateur photog, observer & bitcher, Beach Boys groupie, Brett Favre fanatic, lover of everything Celtic and forever a member in the Tribe of HAIR. Spent most of my life in the Village of Waterford, a small town just outside of the Milwaukee suburbs. After 12 years in North Hollywood, Bel Air and Culver City, Cali, I moved back to Wisconsin in September 2009. No regrets - of moving to LA OR moving back to WI. Have traveled to Belfast, Ireland, Dayton (OH), Manhattan, Seattle, Cedar Rapids, New York, Miami and Sydney, Australia with my plays. Moved back into the Village of Greendale where I was born. Life is good.
The Packers and the Seahawks are pretty evenly matched statistic-wise headed into this Saturday's NFC Divisional playoff game - seeded #2 and 3# respectively. At least the QBs are. If Ryan Grant can run the ball effectively and Brett connects with his receivers (who led the league most of the season on yards after the catch) who Coach McCarthy often deploys in a 4 and 5 wide spread, GB can dominate this game. Brett also needs to keep his cool and we can't get behind - or he'll start tossing balls up for INTs. And the offensive line needs to protect Brett and the defense needs to put pressure and HasselHACK and get him out of the pocket.
Can't this analysis be said of every team? Yep - I just wanted to post these pictures, that's all.
Okay, so I went a reading on Tony's blog, and made some comments. Now, through the magic of linking, I find out you have one too!
I have to admit, this is so "over the top" amazing. There is sooo much fun content in here, I do know a closet Packer fan or two here (I live in the Twin Cities now) that could use your site as a ready-reference to catch up. Probably cheaper and less biased than subscribing to Packer Insider.
Not me, though. Already preaching to the choir, sir. Was AT the Viking slaughter at Lambeau (awesome). Was also in Waterford while you were doing your photo essay, although I was figuring out how to leave town in the snow, rather than photo it. Darn you creative types!
Gosh, what a small, fun world sometimes. Thanks for allowing me to plug in and catch up!
Brian - get me your email so we can catch up, OK? thanks for the comments. i realize there's an overabundance of Packer stuff on here no (but it is the season). that'll change when football season's over with.
Me. On Facebook. I've been slow keeping current on Blogger since the advent of Facebook. Unfortunately. Check my page out here.
thao's tweet on PTSP
Roger Ebert's tweet on our film, "PASS THE SALT, PLEASE".
Funded! Click promo trailer.
The People's Republic Ombudsman Party! Real CHANGE you can believe in.
Decision time. If you believe that it's the duty of every politician in Washington to represent YOUR views and do it unencumbered by their own political ambitions, CLICK HERE to read my proposal to help clear up corruption in Washington - a concept that will place the power of governing BACK into the American people's hands.
The People's Republic Ombudsman Party NOW!
Original Plays by JEFFREY JAMES IRCINK Available for Production:
full-length -
shorts -
Looking for a unique coffee table book for a holiday gift? Click on the Blurb widget (above) and order my self-published photography book, "PASSION = TRUTH, a photographic essay on life's truths".
Bo Svenson (Walking Tall II, The Great Waldo Pepper, North Dallas Forty, Inglourius Basterds, Kill Bill II) andEarl Hamner, Jr. (creator of The Waltons, Falcon Crest, writer of the movie, Charlotte's Web and various Twilight Zone episodes) each have one!
Softcover and hardcover version's available. Email me if you have any questions at Makes a great gift anytime!
Helen Keller Goat Path in Goatenbridge, Co. Tipperary.
Check back for updates on my trip to Ireland with Michael Browne in Sept/Oct 2009. Click on the link below this picture and you'll be whisked to "Good Craic. Welcome to Eire". Slan!
Make sure you're viewing CURRENT POSTS (not "cached"). Simply place your cursor over the words, PASSION = TRUTH, on the screwed up looking banner at the top of the page. Click - and now your URL should read, "". NOW you're current.
"Her world collapsed early Sunday morning."
Every once in a while, out of nowhere, Sara would hear these words from an
obscure 90's song echoing in her min...
Faded. Fading.
Sometimes sitting in a quiet, peaceful room late into the evening,
listening to a simple guitar play a simple tune, is exactly what is needed.
Sometimes yo...
LGBT Representation and Happy Endings
Young adult fiction focusing on LGBT characters was a really depressing
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Red Velvet Cake
The cake that made me famous. Wait a minute! I'm not famous, but this is
the cake that boosted my baking credibility among my co-workers and my
Dear Friends
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Who Is This Artist?
Males born in Wisconsin receive certain gifts at birth: a full keg of beer,
a cow suitable for tipping, coronary arteries good for about fifty years of
Good Reads. (Watch for my ratings and recommendations.)
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Hey, if you like PASSION = TRUTH, don't be selfish! Share it with others!
Check out this read on Brett Favre.
My blog post on the Favre piece, "Here Goes Nothing", which was written by Jeff MacGregor, appeared in the New York Times Play Sports Magazine on Sunday, November 2, 2008. It briefly touches on Favre's departure from the Green Bay Packers after 16 years and his virgin season with the New York Jets. If you appreciate Brett Favre and would like to read a well-written, objective piece on him, read this article.
In an ideal world, what would be your perfect job? Time and place are meaningless. A king overseeing your own feudal lands in Great Britain? A fireman in 1890’s Chicago? A poet laurette? A diver for Jacques Cousteau?
Keeping in mind my interests, influences and talents, watch the the two guys in the video above. THIS would be my perfect job.
By the way, that’s Jan & Deansinging, "From All Over the World". Now – go find your perfect job. I mean, isn’t that what we’re all looking for?
What's your Perfect Job?
My email to Ingraham in response to her attack on Favre:
Two-face Ingraham has a "softer side" for Favre while on the Bill O'Reilly show...
After ripping on Brett Favre during his retirement press conference Ultra-conservative talk show host Laura Ingraham had a sudden change in demeanor when Bill O'Reilly called her out on it.
Hey Jeff.
Okay, so I went a reading on Tony's blog, and made some comments. Now, through the magic of linking, I find out you have one too!
I have to admit, this is so "over the top" amazing. There is sooo much fun content in here, I do know a closet Packer fan or two here (I live in the Twin Cities now) that could use your site as a ready-reference to catch up. Probably cheaper and less biased than subscribing to Packer Insider.
Not me, though. Already preaching to the choir, sir. Was AT the Viking slaughter at Lambeau (awesome). Was also in Waterford while you were doing your photo essay, although I was figuring out how to leave town in the snow, rather than photo it. Darn you creative types!
Gosh, what a small, fun world sometimes. Thanks for allowing me to plug in and catch up!
Brian Grabowski.
Brian - get me your email so we can catch up, OK? thanks for the comments. i realize there's an overabundance of Packer stuff on here no (but it is the season). that'll change when football season's over with.
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