Dr. Chuck Nowak and his bride, Heather, and Heather's four children (left to right) - Stuart, Joel, Amara and Clayton. It really was a gorgeous day and a gorgeous Santa Barbara, California wedding. If you'd like to see more pictures from the wedding, click on READ MORE!

Jas testing out his camera settings on me before the ceremony.

Chuck and Heather exchanging vows at Ledbetter Beach in Santa Barbara.

Jas, Uncle Bob and me. Aunt Ev stayed home as we had unexpected death in the family - my cousin Michael.

It was a gorgeous day for a wedding at Ledbetter Beach in Santa Barbara.

Mrs. Nowak, the groom's mother, relaxes at the Frog Bar & Grill at the Glen Annie Golf Course.

The Nowak clan. The only sibling that wasn't in attendance (of the 8) was Rick. My Uncle Bob is on the far right.
The outdoor reception area.

Dinner was chicken and shrimp. Presentation AND the food were excellent.
"Momma's Juicebox". The star of the night. Well...behind Chuck and Heather, of course. A concoction of the bride and groom's. We had quite a few of these little tummy warmers. It's got cranberry juice, cranberry vodka and some other stuff. Very cool and refreshing on an 80 degree Santa Barbara day. Chuck said they have a tendency to creep up on you and bite you. Ours didn't.
The bride and groom dancing.

My brother Jason, Mark Aldecoa (married to Laura, my Uncle Bob's youngest sister) and their son, Mark.

Me and Bev (Nowak) and Carol (Nowak).

The Ircink boys! On our way to the bar for more Momma's Juiceboxes...Juicebox's. Where's our drinks?

Jas and Bev.

The wedding cake.

The bride and groom off to celebrate at Fess Parker's Doubletree Ranch. Shhhh...no one's supposed to know.
1 comment:
Jeff this is great, thanks for sharing everything with us. See you soon!
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