My arms are sore: "Wii" Gamers.
I spent some time in Tunjuna with Donovan and Maria and Baby "Brett" Grace and we went bowling Saturday night. See how D & M are marveling at my mastery of the game? High score = 244 and 7 strikes in one game...twice. I am, after all, from the bowling capital of the world, Milwaukee.
OK. That's not really us but our Nintendo Wii alter-egos. Here's D, M and me last year at Baby Grace's baptism. Now tell me that these two love-birds didn't create dead-on Wii people? Mine, on the other hand, is sort of blah.
If you're not familiar with Nintendo Wii (and most people are except for me, until this weekend), you hold two controllers (many of the games require only the controller on the right) and - at least with sports games - you simulate you're actually a participant in the game, swinging and punching like the real thing. There's bowling, boxing, tennis, golf, baseball - there may be more but these are the games D & M had. My upper arms are killing me - that boxing is one helluva workout.

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