It's time for thyme.
I've had this nasty chest cold for too long. Already blasted through one bottle of Mucinex and half-way through the 2nd. Hmmm. I believe it's good old-fashioned, granola eatin', tree huggin' homeopathic medicine time.I did a little research on the Internet and talked to my friend Katie in Indiana whose family owns two health food stores (Katie's a plethora of information on this subject. You can ask her anything. Her sister too - but she's in France.).
Off to Whole Foods to pick up some thyme in the spice section. Wrong. Fresh thyme. Go back to Whole Foods. Now the recipe. What kind of recipe tells you to add anything to A CUP OF BOILING WATER? OK, so I add 1 1/2 cups of faucet water (anticipating evaporation) to a small kettle and boil. Bring to boil. Add two tablespoons of thyme. Continue to boil covered. Strain and let set for a minute. And drink.
VOILA! I'll be damned. It's working. I feel like a witch. Or is it warlock? Wiccan? None of the above? Whatever - I'm a believer.
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