I want FoxSports.com to choke on its own vomit.
My battle with FoxSports.com is neverending it seems. They're biased hatred of Brett Favre knows no boundaries. Sure - when he's doing well they're up his ass like any other Favre fan but when Brett slips, they cut the umbilical cord faster than I could say "KriegelScheinHenchMarvezandGlazer can eat my shit".
I'm not saying they have to love Favre. All am asking is reporting that doesn't resemble The National Enquirer. And when these hacks throw personal opinion into their "stories", try and be a little more unbiased. Example, here's the poll they had up on their site today:I mean, seriously? Why didn't they just have a third choice: "dies"? I'm beyond disgust with these assholes. And I have to put up with their bile for another football season.
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