SOLANA BEACH, Calif. - It was a perfect spring morning for an ocean swim...
I'm sure it was. People also say it's a million-to-1 chance of getting attacked by a shark - or a Great White, for that matter. Or is it that you have better odds at getting hit by lightning?

I will not become dinner for an animal like some Twilight Zone episode. On the other hand, I would not hesitate to get into the water with full scuba gear on. Big difference - with a mask you at least have a chance to see the shark before it attempts to sink its teeth into you. You can see it and try to ward it off - punch it in the eye or on the nose. Or you can swim for shelter - rocks, coral, whatever.
LOOK AT THE FRICKEN PICTURE! Come on, man - I just want a chance.
Just surfed in through Technorati. Have you heard anything about that SD surfer whose body was recovered up in Ventura County yesterday? I'm curious if it's another shark attack but so far the coroner hasn't said anything...
By the way, I totally use a mask 100% of the time when I surface swim. It slows me down a little, but the fins make up for that. Why fins? Because the first time I saw a shark swim underneath me I completely lost it and couldn't even remember how to stroke properly.
And that was only a leopard shark about nine foot long. Still freaked me out.
I think you and I might be the only few people in SoCal who realize they're part of the food chain once they hit the water.
Oh - one other thing. Not like I would have had the presence of mind to do this while a frikkin 18 foot prehistoric MONSTER was powering up for another go in water chummed with one of my swim pack buddies, but if they would have used his wetsuit as a tourniqet (I SUCK at spelling today) then he might not have bled out.
Not like I'm Monday morning quarterbacking or anything - if a leopard shark scared me so bad I couldn't swim straight, a Great White would have had me chumming the water with the brown stuff.
i was really freaked when i heard about it, i'm british so we don't really get anything...i'm frickin scared of jellyfish! i've surfed near solana beach before, and i was terrified for my family out there, i think i kinda over reacted XD.
I might think twice about going in next time i'm out there, i'm not really used to thinking about sharks being THAT close...
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