Memo to Vandermause: "Why don't YOU shut up?"
Last week I briefly commented on speculation (in the media, not my own) that Brett Favre (a.k.a Favros, God of War) might consider coming back to play for the Green Bay Packers next season - based on the fact that he hadn't turned in his retirement papers, that reports were circulating that his agent was talking to other teams (which Bus Cook denies) and a statement Brett made regarding a "what-if?" question asked of him by a reporter.
Mike Vandermause, who writes for the Green Bay Gazette and its website wrote a 'memo to Brett', on April 13, telling Brett to 'zip your lips' and 'Brett Favre needs to shut up'.Hey Vandouchebag - you need to shut your pie hole. Brett has always been honest with his comments. He's provided great fodder and quotes for 17 years. Now you're telling him to shut up? You guys just can't find anything to write about in this post-Brett, off-season, can you? Brett never said for sure he'd return to the Packers if Aaron Rogers got hurt and if the Packers called on him and asked if he'd return (that was the hypothetical question asked by a reporter). Brett answered truthfully. "It would be tempting, and I very well could be enticed to do it."
If someone gave me $5000 to spend on a high-class hooker I may very well be enticed to do that too. Doesn't mean I will. Just like handing in your retirement papers doesn't mean you can't un-retire and come back and play. But what Vanderdickshine didn't say is that Brett went on to comment that he's happy with the decision he's made and that being in shape and in GAME SHAPE (if the Packers were to call him on a moment's notice) are two very different things and he doesn't want to go out on the field and make a fool out of himself.
Vanderdickweed stated that Favre should have refrained from answering the question. Vanderspank - why don't you refrain from posing as a sports columnist and go away? Many players have at least some regrets about retiring - it's natural. If Favros changes his mind and wants to come back and play ball, that's his decision. He's earned it.
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