I'm a huge Elvis fan. HUGE. Elvis was never arrested - this was done as a joke. Some say it was for the ID that went along with his honorary drug enforcement badge he received from President Nixon, but that was a different picture.

Anyway, there's a retail specialty magazine called,
Vivre - from which I received my most treasured gift one Christmas (or was it my birthday?). Excellent gifts. So I get the magazine and they're selling celebrity mugshots - Elvis, Jim Morrison, Steve McQueen and Sid Vicious - silkscreen on canvas measuring 37" x 29" - starting at $10,350 (see left, the Sid one is $28,000). What the '
"Warholizer". You can take your own photo - like the Elvis mugshot - and do something similar - as I've done above (you can even make high quality, larger prints) for pennies compared to the prices
Vivre is offering (see above). Granted, these may be a limited edition - I notice the Elvis one says
"edition of 10", whatever that means.
Thank you...thank you very much. Now sit down, baby.
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