uncle tom's poetry.
My dad's middle brother, Tom, passed away in August of 2003 at the age of 65. Day after my birthday. Unbeknownst to me, my Uncle Tom was a poet. Only a handful of people knew he wrote - even less had actually read his work. My father had no clue until his brother had passed (Tom was a year younger than Dad). Now I have in my possession over 100 poems of his to prove it.
The poems were in my Aunt Evelyn's safekeeping. I feel a bit slighted - that Uncle Tom didn't share his talent with us when he was alive. I would've loved the chance to tell him how good of a poet he was. It's obvious his intent was to publish his poetry - in his notes, "The Thoughts of a Man" as a book title was brought up several times. He made inquiries to various publishers; to no avail.So I've taken it upon myself to go through my uncle's poems and assemble a book of his poetry, just like my self-published Blurb book, PASSION = TRUTH (order it here - what?...always promote! yes!). And Uncle Tom will finally have his wish. I've just begun the process of reading his work. It's gonna take some time. (That dark lettering on the bottom left of the cover is already bugging me. Too hard to see.)
Incidentally, I realize the appeal of poetry to some can be - well, it can be ethereal. Subjective, airy, pie in the sky, head in the clouds stuff, rhyming bullshit. So I chose one of Uncle Tom's poems to share, one I'm sure most can relate to:
I couldn't find the house much less the key.
Copyright © Thomas Ircink, 1971
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