The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel and its grudge against Favre.
Football season's over. QB Brett Favre hasn't made a decision on whether he'll return to the Minnesota Vikings. But if you read the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel you'll notice there's a feature called, UP/DOWN in the sports section that won't let Brett Favre go.
Green Bay Packer Head Monkey Coach Mike McCarthy and the other two monkeys in management (Murphy, Thompson) vehemently stated, "The train has left the building" - referring to Favre's departure from the team. So - if the Packers have moved on, why can't they MJS?
"Pick, pick, pick". Here are just a few examples of what UP/DOWN has to say about former GB QB Brett Favre:
Thursday, January 24, 2010
DOWN – Brett Favre: Linebacker Junior Seau retired for the fourth time. You’re really falling behind, dudesickle.
- Mike Hart
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
DOWN – Aaron Rodgers: GB ‘s QB managed to get sacked in a game in which defensive lineman are encouraged to be mannequins. On that play, he held the ball so long that Brett Favre retired and unretired twice.
- Mike Hart
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
DOWN – Viking’s linebacker Ben Leber wants Brett Favre to make up his mind as early as possible. That will happen about the time Porky Pig is cleared for take-off at Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport and the Cubs win a World Series.
- Mike Hart
Sunday, February 28, 2010
DOWN – The NFL is considering giving each team a turn on offense in overtime in playoff games unless the first team scores a TD. This would give Brett Favre another chance to throw one final interception…if he returns, of course.
- Paul Drzewiecki
Week of March 1, 2010
UP – Brett Favre: He will yuk it up with Jay Leno Thursday night. Then they both will retire for the evening.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
DOWN – Passing on an answer: When asked by Jay Leno whether he was going to play next season, Brett Favre responded, “I’m just not gonna say anything anytime soon.” Apparently he’s waiting to announce his plans on “Live with Regis and Kelly”.
- Greg Pearson
Wednesday, March 12, 2010
DOWN – LaDanian Tomlinson spent Thursday visiting the Minnesota Vikings. They reportedly like him as a pass-catching threat but became annoyed when he kept asking. “Hey, where’s that Favre guy?”
- Greg Pearson
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
UP – DePaul math professor Jeffrey Bergen determined that are 9,223,372,036,854,775,808 ways to fill out an NCAA bracket once the play-in game is over. Of course that’s how many forms Brett Favre turns in every year. (I don’t even understand this one.)
- Mike Hart
I'm not even sure I understand that last one. Everyone said Favre unretired and signed with Minnesota because he had a grudge against the Packers. Looks like the MJS has a grudge of it's own. Drzewiecki, Hart and Pearson - that's your best journalistic efforts?OK. So Brett Favre is history at GB, yet the MJS can't stop ribbing him. Now, people talk about the Favre fans and how obsessive we are. Difference is - he's OUR QB. Your team let him go. Why can't the MJS just let it go?
And the sports section isn't the only "baby" on the paper.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Front page of Food section: “Offices all over think potlucks are just super” Opening paragraph, “ No matter that Brett Favre missed his shot at the Super Bowl (again), or that the beloved GB Packers won’t be on the field in Miami.”
- Nancy Stohs
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Front page article on Former Governor Tommy Thompson
Lead paragraph – “Tommy Thompson, Wisconsin’s popular former Republican governor, is drawing pointed comparison to Brett Favre these days for leaving the door open to yet another run for public office."
- Diana Marrero
Talk about about a bitter bunch of whiney bitches. Marrero and Stohs - stick to hard news and food...please. And the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel - readership is down. It's only a matter of time before you go down as well.
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