...but I'm afraid if I do it'll turn out to be a remembrance, of sorts, and I'm not ready for him to leave this world. He is, after all, 87. However, I just watched the classic British cult movie, The Wicker Man (1973) and I've suddenly got Lee on the brain. So I'll save the blogging for later, and leave you with a few items to wet your whistle:

1) Mr. Lee holds two honors -
Commander of the British Empire (
CBE) and
Commander of the Order of St. John (
2) The Carandinis, Lee's maternal ancestors, were given the right to bear the coat of arms of the Holy Roman Empire by the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa.
3) Lee's great-grandparents formed Australia's first opera company, performing before miners in towns in the outback.
4) Lee served with the Royal Air Force in WWII, is step-cousin of Ian Fleming, author of the James Bond spy novels, is a known cigar aficionado with a love for the Cuban cigar brand, Montecristo, his favorite snack is Cheez-Its and has a longstanding personal interest in the occult, maintaining a library of over 12,000 books which is largely devoted to the topic.
Of Lee's 260+ films, his personal favorite just happens to be The Wicker Man (a wonderful horror flick I will delve into on another post), which I'm told he did free-of-charge due to budget constraints. DO NOT see the Nicholas Cage remake. (Obviously, Lee loved The Wicker Man as a sequel is in pre-production as we speak.)
Did I just blog about Christopher Lee anyway?
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