I was right. Ted Thompson does suck Rudolph's left hind teat.
On December 7th, Mike Vandermause of the Green Bay Gazette/Packernews.com wrote a commentary on how he was wrong all season - that the Green Bay Packers do, in fact, suck.
"For three months, the Green Bay Packers have fooled us into believing they were a respectable football team and legitimate playoff contender...I was wrong, and I won’t be the only one spending the off-season trying to figure out why. " You can read the article here.
Why? 'Cause they (Packer management) were part of one of the biggest PR debacles in the history of sports, besides making the wrong decision...a decision based on pride, control and ego. I've written enough on the subject to fill the Library of Congress so I'll let you research the topic on this blog on your own time. I'm proud of Mike for admitting he was wrong - even though I think he and others like him are flip-flopping bitches. Had he and those of like mind listened to my brother and I and those like us before the start of the season when we were calling for the 3 Wise Monkey's (GM Ted Thompson, Coach Mike McCarthy and President Mark "Howdy Doody" Murphy - his last name slipped my mind for a minute) heads on a platter after they traded Hall of Fame-to-be QB Brett Favre to the New York Jets, perhaps public opinion might have swayed the Packers management to do likewise.

Then again, probably not. But they jumped on the "Get rid of Favre bandwagon" like so many others simply to be done with the situation and now the Packers are sitting at a 5-8 record and will not go to the playoffs - one year after Favre helped lead the team to a 13-3 record and one game away from the Super Bowl.
Me? I stuck to my guns from Day One, as did my brother, and boycotted the Packers after 44 years in order to support Brett and the Jets, who are sitting at 8-5...with their playoff hopes in their own hands. Not sure what'll happen. They'll win the AFC East if they sweep their last 3 games. If they falter - it's anyone's game. But as the Jets were 4-12 last season, it's a vast improvement.

Now on December 5th, just two days prior to Vander"mouse's" commentary above, he wrote this pathetic article, "Thompson's down, but insists Packers aren't out". You can read that here.
The gist of this diatribe was that General Manager Ted Thompson is disappointed in the Green Bay Packers’ 5-7 record but isn’t reaching for the panic button. "Speaking of second-guessing, disgruntled fans as well as some media pundits continue to criticize Thompson for trading Brett Favre. How does Thompson respond?" 'I don’t,' he said. 'I think I’ll let the fans say what they want to say and the pundits say what they want to say. I think that’s for you guys to decide. It’s not my deal.'
The gist of this diatribe was that General Manager Ted Thompson is disappointed in the Green Bay Packers’ 5-7 record but isn’t reaching for the panic button. "Speaking of second-guessing, disgruntled fans as well as some media pundits continue to criticize Thompson for trading Brett Favre. How does Thompson respond?" 'I don’t,' he said. 'I think I’ll let the fans say what they want to say and the pundits say what they want to say. I think that’s for you guys to decide. It’s not my deal.'
Thompson/McCarthy/Murphy = douches. Vandermouse = pud, not pundit. Then on December 9th, Vandermouse goes further to stain the Ted Thompson reputation by writing this article, "Blame bad defense on Thompson, not Sanders". You can read this one here.
My point? Vandermouse needs to stop writing and just shut it. All these douche bags running around Green Bay should've listened to the Ircink brothers and those who share our opinion - the Packers should've never traded Favre. Brett's #1 asset is that he makes a team legit by just stepping onto the field. GB QB Aaron Rogers doesn't have that cache yet. To place at risk a 13-3 season because you don't like Brett and because "the train has left the building" is bullshit. Packer management can go to hell.
I think there's an Amtrak train leaving the Green Bay bus stop at 5:15 a.m Monday morning. Be on it, you dumb bastards.
Jeffrey...so you are telling me that if Favre was here, our Defense (a defense he has nothing to do with) would have played better? Would Crosby have made that kick against Minnesota? Would the defense have held the opposition 6 times this year on their final drive when they took the lead?
Thompson has been dead wrong on a lot of off-season moves, but he was right on getting rid of Favre!
Quit being an irresponsible journalist and stop linking the too. Rodgers numbers are good enough to be on an 9-4 team...one guy CAN NOT make up for what we are now...a shitty defensive, special teams and play calling NFL team....
Peirogi's were good and we missed you buddy
i never said that. you can't predict what GB would've done had Favre stayed. i agree. YOU on the other hand have stated like others that Favre wouldn't have helped to Pack to that much of an improvement.
you can't say that. it is what it is. and you're up Roger's ass as much as you say i'm up Favre's ass.
but i love you, cuz. you know that.
and if TT was so wrong on so much, who's to say he was RIGHT about Favre? really?
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