I got the "True Blood" cravings, but Sookie sucks!
True Blood is a drama series on HBO created by award-winning director, writer, actor and producer, Alan Ball. The show is broadcast on the premium cable network HBO in the United States. It premiered this season and has been renewed for a second season. Ball is noted for writing American Beauty, and creating the HBO television shows Six Feet Under.
Based on the The Southern Vampire Mysteries book series by Charlaine Harris, True Blood details the co-existence of vampires and humans in Bon Temps, a fictional small Louisiana town. The series centers on Sookie Stackhouse (Anna Paquin), a telepathic waitress at a bar, who falls in love with vampire Bill Compton (Stephen Moyer).Anna Paquin plays Sookie. And Paquin sucks in this role. She may have one a Best Supporting Oscar for her role in The Piano, but she's terrible in this - I'll fast forward through her parts if I've TIVO'd the episode. Problem is she has a ton of scenes with the lead vampire, Bill Compton, played by Stephen Moyer (they're apparently dating in real life). He's good. The guy who plays her brother, Ryan Kwanten, is good - but his character is one of the dumbest characters on TV...EVER. And all the hot actresses he sleeps with on the show keep dying (plot point), so I'm left with Paquin. There's a black girl on the show - Tara, and the character is annoying; her accent is annoying, and the actress, Rutina Wesley, sucks too.
Otherwise, I like the premise and the show so far.
Change the channel. Or, if you can, produce your own show?
that's your opinion, but let me ask you this? did you read my post? obviously you didn't because i said i like the show except for two characters. and to tell me to produce my own show is a dumb comment. who are you anyway - anonymous??? come on. i'm an actor in LA (SAG) and i have many SAG actor friends who agree with me regarding this show. and i'm not a producer - i write. theater. i'm published. i've had a award-winning plays. my plays have been produced.
who are you? don't visit this blog again, thank you.
I agree with you whole-heartedly. Anna Paquin may be pretty and such, but not a good Sookie actress. And the one who plays Jason IS the most idiotic (though I love when Amy calls him "wise"). Can't wait until the next season starts!
i was hoping i wasn't the only true blood fan that thinks paquin blows...nice to find a like mind. overall, i too enjoy the show, and the books are fun, nothing too deep...but anna paquin really overdoes this character! there are moments when i'd rather chew off my right hand than watch her scenes.
ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!!!!!!! The actress who plays sookie dosent suck at playing her niether does tara i think both characters are awesome at there roles and if you dont think so then you got some major issues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And no one cares that you are a so called actor and that you are published and your plays have been produced big deal no one really cares!!!!
didn't you post here once before ANON? and didn't i tell you never visit this blog again? are you deaf?
sookie sucks. so does that other actress i mentioned. i have more experience at acting than you have. you can't even write properly. and 3 of us (2 comments) disagree with you. plus i have 2 other friends in LA who disagree with you. that's 5-1. obviously some people do care - they care that sookie sucks as well as that other character.
can you read? read this - stay off my blog or i'll have you arrested for stalking me.
i just have to say that, although i wouldn't agree with how anon put it she is good at her role. I've read the books and know how sookie's character is and anna is very good in the role. She's sassy, sexy, and she's a good person. I mean her character, i don't know about anna. She keeps to her character in the book. And Tara is actually really smart, even though she never went to college. She always reads these books. And her accent isn't actually her real accent. She puts that accent on because they are in Louisiana and she has to have a southern accent.
I agree totally, i've just watched the whole two season and the character sookie just sucks, i can't really explain, it might be the actress or the character but it just annoyed me.
Anna Paquin is failing big time as Sookie. It's painful to watch her act, she looks like an autistic person trying to portray emotions she never felt and thus cannot identify with. "Okay, what am I trying to feel now, and what facial expression goes along with it?". The actress portraying Tara isn't good by any standards, but comparing the two isn't fair. There's few, if any, actresses that are as bad as Anna Paquin in this role. And to think that she got several awards for it.. I get depressed just by thinking about it ;)
And all you can so better???
yes, anon - i can do better, i just don't have an Oscar from my childhood. and if you wanted me to take your comment seriously, try using your real name. coward.
I too think Anna is wrong for this role. There again, the television series is so far removed from the books at this point, that I can't say for certain that she's completely wrong for it. Perhaps the whole deal is going to be that in the books, Eric or Bill will win Sookie, and the opposite will happen in the tv show. That would be an interesting twist, in my opinion... Although a bit too sugary, all in all.
Regardless, Anna just doesn't strike me as having the basic traits that Sookie is supposed to- one of which is that Sookie is not meant to be portrayed by such a small actress. Sookie is supposed to be on the larger size, and it was one of the things that made me respect the series. This is, after all, not a tale of 'I can't believe I landed a handsome undead guy- I'm only 17 with perfect blonde hair, blue eyes, I'm captain of the cheerleading team... I never get guys!'
TRUE BLOOD ending soon! which means the end to Sookie! HUZZAH!!!!
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