"Sanctuary Cities". It's not what you're thinking, Amigo.
COMMISSIONER JOHN LEHMAN: "Were you aware that it was the US government established policy not to question or oppose the sanctuary policies of New York, Los Angeles, Houston, Chicago, San Diego for political reasons, which policy in those cities prohibited the local police from cooperating at all with federal immigration authorities?"
CONDOLEEZA RICE: "I do not believe I was aware of that."
I'll get to "sanctuary cities" in a minute. The immigration problem in this country is out of control. I've blogged about this incessantly. It's not an issue of the immigrants themselves, but the sheer numbers that are here ILLEGALLY who are feeding off our country in the form of free medical/health care, food stamps/welfare and free college tuition (among other things). It's difficult to arrest someone who can't speak English; our K-12 classes are clogged with children who can't speak our language and are slowing the learning pace for those who can. And our country's economy is in piss-poor shape, yet we continue to help people who are in the U.S. illegally. Why? Blame Corporate America for their greed in hiring cheap labor. Blame our politicians for avoiding the issue because the problem has grown to gigantic proportions and they don't want to jeopardize their chances of re-election.

Illegal aliens waiting in work lines. Nice, huh? Click on READ MORE! to find out if
your town is near a "sanctuary city".
While researching the immigration cesspool of a problem in the U.S., I came across the term - "Sanctuary City". Never heard of it. Here's an article explaining what it means and a list of every sanctuary city in the U.S. Click on READ MORE! to hear more about "sanctuary cities" and how THIS AFFECTS YOU.
Let me summarize the article here. Despite a 1996 federal law [the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act ( IIRIRA ) that requires local governments to cooperate with Department of Homeland Security's Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), many large urban cities (and some small) have adopted so-called "sanctuary policies." Generally, sanctuary policies instruct city employees not to notify the federal government of the presence of illegal aliens living in their communities. The policies also end the distinction between legal and illegal immigration--so illegal aliens often benefit from city services too.
A formal sanctuary policy is a written policy that may have been passed by a local government body in the form of a resolution, ordinance, or administrative action--general or special orders, or departmental policies. Formal sanctuary cities are the easiest to identify because they put their sanctuary policies in writing, which become subject to public records requests. Maine, for instance, does this. So does San Francisco. Read the article I've attached. It'll blow your mind.
Among the cities confirmed as "sanctuary cities": Anchorage, Phoenix, Los Angeles, Denver, Miami, Chicago, Detroit Reno, Albuquerque, New York City, Dallas, Seattle, Madison and Washington, D.C. - ALL in violation of federal law. Can you believe there are people that still can't comprehend that our politicians, for the most part, are self-serving, greedy, arrogant motherfuckers. But WE elected them and they know what's best for their constituents, right?
Do something about it! Numbers USA is a grassroots organization the helps to inform you of the immigration issues that affect our country AND facilitates open communication through letters, faxes and phone calls to the politicians who are supposed to be representing YOUR interests on the state and federal level. And IT WORKS. Because of the mass number of people who have contacted their state congressmen and senators recently (myself being one of them) in Washington via NumbersUSA, the E-Verify provision is again up for debate before Congress and may once again be put back into the federal budget. Read my post from February 14 on Nancy Pelosi and E-Verify.
Listen - the anti-immigration movement is not anti-immigrants. If you can get through your head you're ahead of the game. It's about getting our government to deal with the illegal immigrations that are already here, to keep illegal immigrants from crossing our borders and to control the numbers of immigrants that allowed into our country through legal means. It's not a racist movement. If you believe that, your naivete is trumping your rationale sense of thought. You're paying to support illegal aliens in the U.S. whether you realize it or not through your tax dollars. This is fact. This is not conjecture. Steven Camarota, director of research at the Center for Immigration Studies in Washington, D.C., told World Net Daily approximately 1 million households headed by illegal immigrants acquired mortgages through the beginning of 2007, before the housing bubble burst. AND these same illegal aliens could apply for mortgage relief.
"There is no legal prohibition against illegal immigrants owning homes," he said, "and in most cases mortgage lenders will accept a taxpayer ID or a Matricula Consular card issued by a Mexican Consulate office as identification to illegal immigrants from Mexico."
There's nothing against the law from prohibiting illegal aliens from getting a mortgage, getting health care, going to college, etc. Then why don't we just open our borders? Why are we putting up a wall if our government isn't enforcing its own laws? Get educated! And do it now before it's too late.
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