"Her world collapsed early Sunday morning."
Every once in a while, out of nowhere, Sara would hear these words from an
obscure 90's song echoing in her min...
5 years ago
how jeffrey james francis ircink sees the world
Coach Mike "Kika" McCarthy, GM Ted "Iwa" Thompson Iwazaru and President Mark "Howdy Doody/Miz" Murphy at today's press conference addressing Brett Favre's trade to the New York Jets.
Here's the Japanese version.
Posted by
Jeffrey James Ircink
6:33 PM
Stop putting this all on GB. It is shared responsiblity! I think Favre even said so in his PC with the Jets. Get over it and move on.'s THE GREEN BAY PACKERS....NOT THE BRETT FAVRE PACKERS.
I will put it all on the Packers, anon. It's the Packers' responsibility to field the BEST team. Favre is better than Rogers. Period. If Favre wasn't better, why did the Packers first demand a 1st round draft pick for Favre and why were the Packers scared shitless of Favre going to MN or Chicago? Rogers and his two back ups have NO NFL game starter experience.
Favre isn't blameless, but in the end he wanted to play for the Packers but they had "moved on with Rogers". AND they couldn't even answer the question, "which QB gives you the best shot to go to the Super Bowl?".
Try this analogy: a man beats his dog then puts his hand out expecting the dog to come to its master. "You don't wanna come to your master, eh? Then I'll give you up for adoption." The Packers conceded that they'd have an open competition for the QB position then turned around and told Brett his "mindset" was all wrong. Why? Because they wouldn't take him back, said he'd be a back up and bribed him with $20 million bucks.
In the end, this entire fiasco could have been avoided had the three wise monkeys just taken back the QB that gives them the best shot to go to the Super Bowl. But they made their decisions based on "personal" issues rather than football issues. Shame on the Packers. I hope they go go 0-16 and the three wise monkeys are driven back into the jungle where they belong.
Favre is going to the Hall of Fame. The three wise monkey are going nowhere. Favre's legacy will remain in tact. The three wise monkeys will be long forgotten.
NOTE: I'd have more respect for your opinion if you would have at least given me your first name.
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