About me...
- Jeffrey James Ircink
- Greendale, Wisconsin, United States
- Ex-producer of THE REALLY FUNNY HORNY GOAT INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL, playwright, actor, singer, outdoorsman, blogger, amateur photog, observer & bitcher, Beach Boys groupie, Brett Favre fanatic, lover of everything Celtic and forever a member in the Tribe of HAIR. Spent most of my life in the Village of Waterford, a small town just outside of the Milwaukee suburbs. After 12 years in North Hollywood, Bel Air and Culver City, Cali, I moved back to Wisconsin in September 2009. No regrets - of moving to LA OR moving back to WI. Have traveled to Belfast, Ireland, Dayton (OH), Manhattan, Seattle, Cedar Rapids, New York, Miami and Sydney, Australia with my plays. Moved back into the Village of Greendale where I was born. Life is good.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
About Dave Mason...
NOTE: Mute the IMEEM jukebox to the right before you play the YouTube video above.
Tried to post this yesterday on my birthday but YouTube wasn't cooperating (still isn't). Saw British musician Dave Mason perform this tune years ago at Summerfest in Milwaukee with my brother when Mason was touring with Fleetwood Mac. Mac took a break and Dave went into this ditty. So THAT's that song and THAT's the guy who sang it?? Huh.
Mason is in the R&R Hall of Fame with the group, Traffic. He also wrote the song, "Feelin' Alright", that Joe Cocker made famous.
Here's Mason singing this song in his heydey.
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Posted by
Jeffrey James Ircink
4:26 PM
TGISaturday! presents The Beach Boys and "Good Timin' "!
NOTE: Mute the IMEEM music box to the right before you play this.
Remember, it's my birthday weekend so I'm taking full advantage by extending the normal "TGIF! presents..." into the weekend.
This is a wonderful BB tune that non-BB fans might not recognize. I've been looking for this video for a while (first saw it on a BB documentary years ago).
Brian's not there, but check out brother Carl's lead vocal performance, as well as the brother Dennis on the drums. Both have since passed away...and I miss them very much.
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Posted by
Jeffrey James Ircink
4:13 PM
Chad Johnson of NFL Bengals legally changes his name to "I'm-A-Dumb-Fuck".
I blogged about this asshole recently. Now the dumb asshole legally changed his name to "Chad Javon Ocho Cinco".
I wish I had a ray gun to set on "DISINTEGRATE".
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Posted by
Jeffrey James Ircink
12:57 PM
Friday, August 29, 2008
Oh my God...I think I won some money on my birthday!
My birthday being today (if you don't already know that). Got this by email:
Dear Beneficiary,
You have won �891,934.00 GBP, from our monthly PROGRAM, held on August 29th 2008.
For your claims, contact Mr. Phil Herald
Contact Email
Sincerely,Mrs. Dianne Thompson.
Should I contact her??
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Posted by
Jeffrey James Ircink
6:02 PM
My mother just called me to say I was OFFICIALLY born at 2:34 CST TODAY. Also, John McCain is a virgin...Virgo, I mean.
The Republican Presidential candidate, Senator John McCain, celebrates his birthday today as well (see my birthday posts below) - I wasn't aware of that. And his running mate, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, is my age.
Here are some other celebs with an August 29 birthday: Sir Richard Attenborough (in military hat), Rebecca De Mornay, Ingrid Bergman, Elliott Gould, Michael Jackson and the warrior King of England, HenryV, who delivered the rousing St. Crispin's Day speech before the Battle of Agincourt, which was fought in northern France as part of the Hundred Years' War against France. Oops - can't forget the great Michael Chekhov (pictured on very bottom), nephew of the playwright Anton Chekhov and widely recognized as one of the greatest actors of the 20th century. He studied under Stanislavsky and developed his own physical acting technique which is still studied by actors today.
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Posted by
Jeffrey James Ircink
1:24 PM
TGIF! presents my Beach Boys and "Do It Again" (1968).
It's an appropriate song - my birthday, reminscing(?), thinking about all the places I've surfed and danced at...you know.
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Posted by
Jeffrey James Ircink
9:14 AM
TGIF! presents Berlin and "The Metro" (Live, 5-30-83 at US Festival).
It's my birthday today so I get to post as many TGIF! presents as I want.
Teri Nunn is awesome. Love this song. She's playing the Canyon Club in October, same place I saw The Zombies.
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Posted by
Jeffrey James Ircink
9:06 AM
TGIF! presents Fleetwood Mac and "Farmer's Daughter" (LIVE).
Apparently, this Beach Boys cover song was done live backstage at some concert...the band was foolin' around and sang it and recorded it. At the time Beach Boy drummer Dennis Wilson was dating Cristie McVie and when he heard them do this song - could have been this actual recording, Dennis wept.
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Posted by
Jeffrey James Ircink
9:03 AM
Happy Birthday, Lisa!
Ex-girlfriend Lisa's birthday is the same day as mine. Unusual, isn't it? Happy Birthday, Lis. Her family...good people.
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Posted by
Jeffrey James Ircink
7:59 AM
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Roll Call of Votes at the Democratic National Convention: What a hoot.
I watched part of the roll call vote at the Democratic National Convention in Colorado yesterday and I gotta tell you - what a circus.

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Posted by
Jeffrey James Ircink
12:34 PM
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
3rd Edition of PASSION = TRUTH book is in!
OK. You're making me cry. And my mudskipper (above) as well.
Not one person has purchased my self-published photography book online, PASSION = TRUTH: a photographic essay on life's truths. OK - let me clarify...no one has purchased the previous two editions - I just got this on Tuesday. COME ON, PEOPLE! Invest in the arts! You do realize I dedicated the book to my Grandpa Ircink (below) and you're gonna make him cry as well (he's in Heaven - they cry there sometimes, too).It costs you absolutely nothing to take a preview look at the book online. Go to the Blurb widget toward the top of the right panel under the huge Brett Favre photo, click on it and it'll take you to my book/preview which is on the Blurb site. I've added about 25 pictures since the 2nd Edition for a total of 107 pages. It's ideal for your coffee table or to give as a gift for a birthday gift. "Hey, I know you like photography. My friend Jeff took these pictures." And if you don't know me - lie. Send me an email and we'll talk and then we'll know each other. I make $5 on each book - big whoop. It's a gallon of gas. Invest in the arts! I said that already. OK. No more preaching.
Please go purchase the book so my grandfather and I (and the mudskipper) can stop crying.
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Posted by
Jeffrey James Ircink
10:56 AM
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
"Monchhichi, Monchhichi...is a-a du-umb toy".
What a dumb toy and an even dumber song. And I'm NOT putting a picture of it on this blog so you'll just have to google it. Suffice it say it's a little plush monkey toy originating in Japan and it first reached America in 1979.
My brother and I would purposefully change the words of the song so we could say the word "tit" in front of my mother and not get smacked for it. We told her we were just singing the song from the commercial (she had no clue we changed the words).
So instead of singing: "Monchhichi, Monchhichi, Oh so soft and cuddle-ly...", Jason and I would sing, "Monchhichi, Monchhichi, Ain't she-e priTIT-ty..."
Stupid kids. Stupid toy. Jas and I still get together and say stupid things and sing stupid songs and recall our youth when we did stupid stuff and had a ball doing it.
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Posted by
Jeffrey James Ircink
7:21 PM
Delegates NOT voting for Obama??
Many facets of our political process can be confusing, including what exactly the responsibilities of the delegates to a political party convention are.
I listened to two Democratic party delegates interviewed on NPR this morning and they were each asked if they would, in fact, be casting their vote for Barack Obama. One said she would not - instead, she would cast her vote for Hillary Clinton because those were the intentions of the people who chose her as a delegate.I find this odd because, as I understand it, at this evening's Democratic Convention Hillary Clinton will be formally releasing "her" delegates of their duties to cast their vote for her (even though she didn't win her party's nomination her name will appear on the list as a formality, which is basically what the purpose of the convention is - a formality) and choose Obama as the Democratic nominee for President of the United States.
I understand delegates wanting to honor the wishes of those who chose them to be a delegate, but if the nominee (Hillary) releases them of that obligation, why would they splinter the party and vote for someone who isn't the intended nominee? It seems stupid - like banging your head into a wall.
Did I confuse you? Good. Welcome to American politics.
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Posted by
Jeffrey James Ircink
12:08 PM
Biden chosen as Obama's running mate.
It was announced this past weekend that Senator Joe Biden (D) from Delaware will be Barack Obama's running mate in the presidential election this November.
Good move. I've always liked Biden and remember checking out some of his stats on his website when he was running for president earlier in the year. Biden speaks his mind - which has backfired once or twice - but at least he doesn't speak around the issues, offering little more than political rhetoric. My first recollection of Senator Biden was when he chaired the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary and presided over the Supreme Court confirmation hearing of Clarence Thomas in 1991. I was impressed (with Biden - not the pubic hair on the Pepsi can issue).
Go to Biden's website to see where he stands on the issues. Also, if you're interested in watching Biden deliver a his version of a "fire and brimstone" speech to the Senate regarding the war in Iraq, watch this YouTube video.
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Posted by
Jeffrey James Ircink
10:41 AM
Monday, August 25, 2008
Clarification on Friday's Post.
It's come to my attention that the reason the Obama camp made a big brew ha-ha over McCain's inability to remember how many homes he owns (see Friday's post) is because McCain had jibed Obama, calling him an "elitist".
I suppose turnaround IS fair play. Still, it would nice if our presidential candidates could stick to the meaty issues as I outlined in my Friday post.
Thanks, Tony. Are you happy now, Nick?
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Posted by
Jeffrey James Ircink
10:33 PM
"The new Jet Brett hats are in! The new Jet Brett hats are in!"
Just like a little boy at Christmas, I raced home from work because I knew this package was waiting for me - the new Brett Favre "4" New York Jets hat. One for me and one for my brother, Jas.
I betcha the 3 Wise Monkeys who head up the Green Bay Packers' management team (Thompson, McCarthy and Murphy) don't have one of these. Look at it and weep, you three lousy, lame-ass monkeys.
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Posted by
Jeffrey James Ircink
9:53 PM
"Let's Play Ball!" PorchLight Picnic Photos Just In.
Me tossing the ball around before the start of our annual company softball game. My team won - 14-12. Oh - I was 4 for 4, 3 singles and a double. If you wanna see a couple more pics of me in action, click on READ MORE!
(WAIT! There's more...)The team at bat supplied the catcher for the team in the field. That was me. Just to catch - not to make plays on my own teammates.

Not sure if this was a strike or the ball is airborne - can't see it in this photo.

On first base.

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Posted by
Jeffrey James Ircink
1:16 PM
Friday, August 22, 2008
Obama and McCain's 5..no - make that 7 homes. I think. 7?
The latest news out of the McCain/Obama camps about McCain's "housing issue" is another reason why I eschew politicians and the mockery most make out of our political system.

As a war veteran, McCain deserves EVERYTHING this country has to offer him. After all, it IS the American dream, ain't it? Would rather have him on the street - penniless and homeless - like other vets? Have you been to the VA hospital in your city? They suck - and those are our men and women who gave themselves for our country - some giving the ultimate sacrifice - and our government treats them like shit.
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Posted by
Jeffrey James Ircink
5:25 PM
Bleacher Report Guest Writer, Kristin - On Favre's Legacy.
If you're a Brett Favre fan you have to read this well-written article by 28-year-old Kristin Hamlin that appeared on Bleacher Report - as site where anyone can write and post a sports-related article.
Look for the first comment by STEVE and then scroll down and find my comment on STEVE'S comment. And then go ahead and comment yourself...if you have one - a comment, that is.
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Posted by
Jeffrey James Ircink
4:10 PM
Beijing or Beijing?
Seriously. Is it pronounced, "Bey-jing" or "Bey-szhing"? I'm hearing it both ways and it's irritating (I'm a playwright and Journalism major and I hate the media so you can imagine why my ire is up).
'Course the American basketball team is playing the "ARGENTINIA" team as we speak, according to a reporter on ESPN radio.
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Posted by
Jeffrey James Ircink
11:08 AM
Karl Rove and President George W. Bush. Two mudskippers.
That's George W. in the foreground and Rove in the background - left. Not sure why they were at the Aquarium of the Pacific when I snapped this but, I mean, there they are.
I wrote about Rove in "If it looks like a rat and smells like a rat...it's Karl Rove" a month ago or so. On July 30, 2008, the House Judiciary Committee voted along party lines, 20 to 14, to cite Karl Rove for defying its subpoena to testify in an inquiry into improper political meddling in the department.
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Posted by
Jeffrey James Ircink
10:36 AM
TGIF! presents The Who Live at The Royal Albert Hall with "I Can´t Explain".
This was in 2006 when Pete Entwhistle (bass) was still alive. Only one missing is drummer Keith Moon.
They can still rock for AARP members, eh?
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Posted by
Jeffrey James Ircink
9:28 AM
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Another Winchell's Donuts misshap.
Yesterday morning. Never fails. Ask for peanut butter AND butter. Open the bag and there's a thing of just peanut butter. Luckily I hadn't made it out the door yet before I checked - 'cause I know they're gonna screw it up.
Yes, language barriers are an issue, folks. And this isn't the first time it's happened.
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Posted by
Jeffrey James Ircink
11:32 AM
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Thank God the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Some dopey college student writing for The Daily Vidette online at Illinois State University threw in his two cents worth on Brett Favre and his return to the NFL (in case you've been traveling, Favre played for the Green Bay Packers for 16 years and was traded to the New York Jets - stupid bastard Packers).
Read the story here. So I sent the article to my brother in Wisconsin, who was/is - like myself - in the "Favre camp" during this whole PR debacle that ensued once Brett decided to unretire. Here's Jason's response to the article - which he emailed to the student. Nice job, brother.That's Jas on the left (our Santa Barbara trip in June). Couldn't have said it any better myself:
"You're tired of hearing about Favre, yet you write about him?? You're a fan, yet you thrash him!! Journalism is not your forte my friend. Best you change your major now. I would hate to see you join the ranks of the thousands of scum journalists feeding off the lives of others. Was your mommy drinking or something? Did you catch a buzz after nursing (off her titty) and then decide to write an article? Stick with what you know - drinking and masturbating. You're just a little boy who thinks he knows everything...but doesn't know shit. By the way, Brett Favre NEVER, EVER brought up retirement. IT WAS THE FUCKED UP MEDIA THAT KEPT ASKING HIM ABOUT RETIREMENT. They wanted a story and though it took them five years to get it - they got it! So, please don't give me this shit that you're tired of hearing about it. YOU ARE A CASUALTY OF THE MEDIA!!!! Have fun tonight beating off to a picture of Obama. "
Spoken like a true brother. I'm so proud.
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Posted by
Jeffrey James Ircink
1:40 PM
Update on the Klingap.
Fresh haircut and I colored the Klingap (the name I gave my facial hair - combination Klingon and Kerry Cotter from Gary Puckett and the Union Gap).
Gotta tell you - I've been getting admiring looks - both men and women (uh...other men with facial hair, I mean). When my brother was here and we were up in Santa Barbara for Solstice, I came across around 20 styles of facial hair in the beer tent unlike anything I'd seen before. Slight derivations of a beard or goatee or muttonchops, etcetera. The Klinggap got a few looksees. I don't think there's anything like it in LA - maybe the West Coast. Or the U.S.
Oh yeah - I mentioned I "colored" the Klingap. Two days ago - just to take the streaks of gray out. Kind of a frightening experience. And not for vanity sake but because this way its sticks out more. The gray was making the Klingap indiscernible from my 5, 7 and 10 o'clock shadow.I think I resemble Jim Rome, the sports commentator. Slightly.
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Posted by
Jeffrey James Ircink
11:19 AM
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
I cut my ear this morning...
...and it bled like a stuck pig.
I took a razor and snipped off a hair at the point where Spock's ear goes pointy. Didn't realize it until I got to work and a co-worker noticed a coagulated ball of blood on the top of the ear - he thought it was an earring. So I scraped the dried blood off the ear and it began bleeding again. And it wouldn't stop. I looked like I had been beaten during the '68 Democratic Convention in Chicago. I finally put a band aid on it - then tried taking that off a few hours later.
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Posted by
Jeffrey James Ircink
4:07 PM
My letter from Hugh Hefner.
It was a bit longer - I just shortened it up for effect. And I did re-up my subscription. Thanks, Hef.
(Interesting side note. My director/actor friend, Stephen, used to temp at the Playboy Mansion for Hef's personal assistant - she's been with Hef for over 30 years, I think. And I still have her phone number. I have Hugh Hefner's assistant's direct line. How can I turn that into my advantage?)
(One more side note. When the Hollywood sign letters were restored for the first time in 1978, nine investors donated $28,000 each - for each letter. Hugh was one of the investors, though he sponsored the "Y" and not the "H".)
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Posted by
Jeffrey James Ircink
2:24 PM
Monday, August 18, 2008
My former Bel Air residence.
Ok - that's somewhat misleading. Guest house - wait, I'm getting ahead of myself.
I'm sure you're aware of this, but if you look up Live Search on the Internet you have access to a birdseye view of any address. It's fun - when you have too much time on your hands. For those of you who know me but never ventured out to California to visit when I lived in Bel Air, thought this might be of interest.My most immediate neighbors were Mac Davis, President Ronald Reagan, Elizabeth Taylor, and Cheryl Tiegs. Met Mac three in 7 years. Saw Tiegs from a distance once. Saw the hearse take away Reagan's body the day he died (that would be his pool in the bottom left corner).
This is the estate where I lived for 7 years through April 2006. I worked for the lady of the house (running errands, working parties, etc.). When I wasn't working for her directly, I helped the gardeners - weeding, hauling trash, cutting roses, trimming bushes and trees, cleaning the pool, etc. I worked on the property Thursday-Saturday and then worked at PorchLight Entertainment Monday - Wednesday (where I work full-time now). The red line designates the boundary lines of the property. See where it says "new property" in black ink? The owners purchased that property about a year or so before I left there in April 2006.
Lots of stories to tell. Things only I know. I met a number of famous folk while living on the estate - among them Rob Reiner, Merv Griffin, actor Richard Roxburgh (Van Helsing, Moulin Rouge, Mission Impossible II), former Paramount studio head Sherry Lansing, producer Martin Ransohoff, former LA mayor Richard Riordan, David Niven, Jr., former Warner Bros. studio head Terry Semel, the couple who own POM drinks and interestingly, a female relative of William Mulholland, from which the famous street, Mulholland Drive, derives its name. Saw alot of really good facelifts. Most were nice (I'm referring to the people). Arianna Huffington was bitchy. I don't relish name-dropping. And if I had to do it over again I would pass. It just wasn't worth it (again, if you know me, you know why).
For my services, I received the use of the guest house (see black circle) and use of the pool when the owners were gone. I was allowed to have guests over but I had to notify the owners so they were aware there were strangers on the property (which I had no problem with). I WAS NOT allowed to have overnight guests, save my brother and parents. No friends overnight. No women overnight. No other family members overnight. No one. It "cost too much" for the extra toilet flushing and showers and my landlord/boss felt it was too much of an intrusion on her and her husband's privacy - which really was limited to just Sundays as she had staff working 6 days a week.
I have pictures I should scan and put up - I believe they're in storage. I miss the guest house...and that's it. I had fresh eggs every day (chicken coop) so that was nice. The fruit trees. It was quiet and private and I had my own place. It was quite a surreal period in my life and at least the first 5 years (of 7) were pleasant. I won't get into the reason why I left the property (I've talked about it elsewhere on this blog). Anything I would say would sully the fine reputation of the lady of the house. It's safe to assume that I am right and I hope I never see her again - it's better for her that way.
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Posted by
Jeffrey James Ircink
2:16 PM
Favre's First Start as a Jet / Preseason Against the Redskins.
Favre played 2 series in the Jets 2nd preseason game at home against the Washington Redskins on Saturday. I know it's preseason and it doesn't really matter, but considering this was Brett's first start for a different team since playing with the Green Bay Packers (and getting the shaft) for 16 years, I felt it was noteworthy.
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Posted by
Jeffrey James Ircink
10:49 AM
Saturday, August 16, 2008
My New "Anthem" when Favre/Jets Score...Evanescence and "Bring Me To Life"
Football stadiums typically blare some rock anthem whenever the home team scores points. Gary Glitter's "Rock and Roll Part II", "I Don't Wanna Work", etcetera. For years I've been playing "Scotland the Brave" whenever the Green Bay Packers score points. I have a hair of Scots in me and I love the pipes (anything Celtic actually, right Tommy K?).
This season - sadly, I must retire the bagpipes due to Brett Favre's forced departure from Green Bay (bastard 3 Wise Monkeys). Thus, I'm boycotting the Packers' season and won't be watching any games. No doubt I will miss the sound of my pipes blaring (or the CD of bagpipes blaring). For this reason, I've chosen a new song to play whenever the Jets (who I will be watching) score a TD or field goal.
...In celebration of Favre's "new life" with the New York Jets. Salute!
OK...listen to the intro to the video - it's what you hear sometimes before movies start at the theater. It's cool. Think football. Juices start flowing. Now - if you like this song and wanna hear it from start to finish, be my guest. But if you wanna hear it the way I'll be playing it for Jets football games on Sundays, listen to the intro, then fast forward to the :45 second mark, music cranks up a bit...then it ebbs at 1:07, :08, :09, quiet, quiet - Favre delivers a bullet, TD!...music cranks up for the chorus at the 1:13 second mark.
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Posted by
Jeffrey James Ircink
12:59 AM
Friday, August 15, 2008
PorchLight Annual Picnic = Bill's Team-14, Bruce's Team-12.
That's unofficial. I'm usually on Bruce's team but somehow I was passed over and one of the last guys picked (why does this happen every year). Bill suddenly figured out I hadn't been chosen. Geezuz. Anyway, I plan and organize the annual PL picnic (like the Christmas party) - Mar Vista Park was the place. California Chicken Cafe catered (we picked up and delivered). Starts at 1 p.m. so it's a half day...on a Friday. Leftover food I take home. Good times.
It's really not a "fun" event for me 'cause I'm competitive and I play to win. Screw the 12-year-old son of one our employees - I could care less if he struck out. Screw the women, too. And the guys who never play and can't hit for shit. Funny - I tagged a guy out at 2nd base who had clearly overshot and had his foot off the bag. The other team screamed. The runner admitted he was out. He was. "Cause I tagged him out.
I was 4 for 4, 3 singles and a double, 2 RBI's for sure and I think I scored twice. Not bad for the last guy chosen (bastards - there's no reason I SHOULD'VE been the last). I'm very sore - but I played in honor of the new Jets' QB, #4 Brett Favre, so there really shouldn't be any surprises that I whacked the ball all day.
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Posted by
Jeffrey James Ircink
9:00 PM
Favre to start preseason game - 'Skins @ Jets.
Tomorrow (Saturday) at 7 p.m. EST on the NFL Network (check local listings). It'll be his first "start" (preseason) since joining the team - I'm anxious to see how he's adapting to the Jets' play calling system. No question it can be pretty tough to associate certain phrases or words you used for 16 years with different plays on another team. Favre' problem = he remembers every play he's ever called. There's a lot going on in that boy's head.
I'm fairly certain the Meadowlands will be a'buzz.
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Posted by
Jeffrey James Ircink
11:21 AM
Qhote of the day from The Who.
"If I swallow anything evil,
Put your finger down my throat."
- from "Behind Blue Eyes"
Pretty much sums up how I've been feeling the last month - you know, the Favre/Packer saga.
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Posted by
Jeffrey James Ircink
11:04 AM
Thursday, August 14, 2008
For Outstanding Guest Actress Impersonating Another Actress...

This is my 4th Doppelgänger "sighting" in two weeks. On a scale from 1 (furthest likeness) to 10 (clone - could be the real person) - The first was Green Bay Packers Coach Mike McCarthy in the Staples parking lot (7). This guy agreed that the Packers are idiots for trading Favre and that the Three Wise Monkeys should be shot. Then yesterday I saw my music director mentor Damon Cole driving behind me on the way home from work (9). Today in the office, one of our sales people looks sort of like Chris Martin from Coldplay (5).

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Posted by
Jeffrey James Ircink
10:43 AM
PASSION = TRUTH blog update!
A useless factoid to you (is "factoids" a word)? Just like to keep my readers in-the-know. July was my most active month - 111 posts. I don't create all the news out there; I just rant about it. Since January my readership numbers have been increasing 2, 3 and 4-fold - August is already 5x what is was last year and we're not even half-way through the month.
Keep reading - and comment. Come on...I KNOW you have something you wanna get off your chest.
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Posted by
Jeffrey James Ircink
9:19 AM
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Dan Gibson's one lucky sonofabitch / Brian Wilson's "That Lucky Old Sun" in stores Sept. 2nd!
Brian's new studio album, "That Lucky Old Sun", hits stores September 2nd! Go to Brian Wilson's site and check out this promo video on the release.

by Dan Gibson
Thursday, July 31, 2008 at 11:12pm
Last night I was one of one-hundred people (plus one guest each) to attend a special taping of Brian Wilson performing selections from his forthcoming album: “That Lucky Old Sun” at the Nissan Live Sets in Century City, CA. I was also one of six people selected for a Q&A with Brian in-between sets, but did not know this when I arrived. Before the show Karlyn and I were plucked out from the back of the line waiting to get in; had a VIP badge thrown around our necks; and the next thing we knew we were backstage rubbing elbows with personal friends of Brian Wilson and his band.
We then entered the small & stylish studio. Shortly after, Brian and his band entered and were greeted by a thunderous welcome as they took the stage for a riveting set of Beach Boys classics like “California Girls” and “Good Vibrations.”
Then came for me, the big moment of the evening, the Q&A – the chance to speak to a living legend and my hero, Brian Wilson. I was also keenly aware that whatever was about to happen was being filmed and would later be seen by fans from all over the world.
When my turn came, I nervously stepped up to the small circular platform and looked up into the face of Brian Wilson, gazing down at me. I felt like a rowboat peering up at an ocean liner. Suddenly, I was struck with the notion that this was my chance to say whatever I wanted to a man who has been such an inspiration to me. So, after I introduced myself, I drew a deep breath and proceeded to thank him for his willingness to share his gifts with the world. Brian’s head lowered, and the audience swelled into applause, as if to say, “and that goes for us too!”
I then asked my question, which was “What do you love the most about your new album?” In a very un-Brian-like fashion, he gave a long and multifaceted answer, most of which I was unable to comprehend because I was so preoccupied with wondering whether my knees were going to give-way or not.
The band then proceeded to play several selections from the new album: “Forever My Surfer Girl”, “Midnight’s Another Day”, “Goin’ Home” etc. We were rapt. The first line of the final cut, “Southern California” virtually moved me to tears. The long road had led us home again. Brian was back -- & I was called upon to testify.
Once you listen in on “That Lucky Old Sun”, so you shall too.
PS - Oh, right - the pretty woman.
I was looking online for an album image of "That Lucky Old Sun" to use with this post. So I type in "That Lucky Old Sun" and wouldn't you know the very first image that popped up on Google was this one:
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Posted by
Jeffrey James Ircink
10:35 PM
Chinese, Japanese, Spanish Team, Loses Face.
File this under "if it sounds like a bad idea, it probably is."
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Posted by
Jeffrey James Ircink
5:51 PM