Passion = Truth? How Jeffrey James Francis Ircink Sees The World? I love when people are passionate about something. That surging of emotion is the one honest measure of what truth is. It's a truthful display of how a person really feels about something or someone at that particular moment. That passion IS truth.

About me...

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Greendale, Wisconsin, United States
Ex-producer of THE REALLY FUNNY HORNY GOAT INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL, playwright, actor, singer, outdoorsman, blogger, amateur photog, observer & bitcher, Beach Boys groupie, Brett Favre fanatic, lover of everything Celtic and forever a member in the Tribe of HAIR. Spent most of my life in the Village of Waterford, a small town just outside of the Milwaukee suburbs. After 12 years in North Hollywood, Bel Air and Culver City, Cali, I moved back to Wisconsin in September 2009. No regrets - of moving to LA OR moving back to WI. Have traveled to Belfast, Ireland, Dayton (OH), Manhattan, Seattle, Cedar Rapids, New York, Miami and Sydney, Australia with my plays. Moved back into the Village of Greendale where I was born. Life is good.


Friday, December 31, 2010

"Undocumented immigrant" preferable to "illegal immigrant"?

The Society of Professional Journalists' (of which I was VP of our student chapter at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater) diversity committee met this past year to consider the best language journalists should use when addressing people of varying cultures. For example, consider the notion that "undocumented immigrant" be used in place of "illegal immigrant". That's the SPJ diversity committee stance...not mine.

In an opinion piece by SPJ member Leo E. Laurence, a member of The National Association of Hispanic Journalists, states, "It was based on our federal, constitutional principle that everyone is considered innocent of any crime until proven guilty in a court of law. The proposed Diversity Committee resolution urged journalists to use the phrase “undocumented immigrant(s), and avoid both 'illegal immigrant' or 'illegal alien'.

NOTE: Laurence's opinion piece does not reflect the views of SPJ, its membership or its Diversity Committee. The committee itself has taken no official initiative on the use of the phrase "illegal immigrant."

It's sort of like a news anchorperson saying, "...the ALLEGED perpetrator or ALLEGED crime committed", when the accused readily admitted murdering someone. I think. Right?

Laurence goes on to state that only a judge can deem someone or something "illegal" and that the press' use - or the public's use - of the phrase "illegal immigrant" or "illegal alien" only helps to create bigotry toward a race of people. (I'm paraphrasing.)

Even FoxNews' Megyn Kelly grapples the topic in a FoxNews segment, going as far as alluding that if journalists heed Laurence's suggestion, why not refer to rapists as "nonconsensual sex partners". Personally, I do not find her analogy offending in the least bit.

I don't find anything about Megyn Kelly offending actually. ;)

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