"Pass the Salt, Please." big hit at The Little Red Studio's Erotic Shorts Festival.
"Pass the Salt, Please." - performed at The Little Red Studio's Erotic Shorts Festival in Seattle for a two week run. I was able to see it the 2nd weekend and caught Friday and Saturday's show.
Well, it went off without a hitch. Packed houses. Audience loved it. The artistic director's (Kerry Christianson) husband, Donn, said to me, "there's a reason it closes the festival". That was nice. It's a bit odd seeing your own play performed in front of you. Actor's interpretations may vary slightly in certain areas of the script as compared to your own. The director's interpretation my vary somewhat. The main thing is they "got it" and then made it their own.
There was this couple sitting directly across from us on the other side of the stage Friday night. They never crack a smile or laughed - emotionless. I turned to Lisa and said, "you'd think they didn't know they were at an erotic arts festival". Then "Pass the Salt, Please." came up.
And that couple was laughing up a storm. :)The cast - Michael Blum, me and Heather Ward. They were excellent. Blum recently moved to Seattle from Texas and this was his first theater piece in Seattle. Heather was also in the short, "...In Bed" (Act I). I was sitting less than 10 feet from her (she looked like she does above) and I didn't realize that was the same actress that was in my play. For more pictures, click on READ MORE!
The director, Cherilynn Brooks (left) and her twin. She's a spitfire, that Cherilynn. According to my friend, Lisa, Cherilynn is beginning to make a name for herself in the Seattle theater circles.
Things were a bit discombobulated in the lobby area as the studio is in the midst of an expansion. The docents were wonderfully pleasant. The theater is huge, with several working spaces. The last short before intermission was a voyeuristic piece, so the audience was invited to congregate in a different space in the theater where we peeked in on three different couples in bed and their bed-talk. All-in-all, the shorts were great - particularly, "Flame in Your Heart", "On the Line", "Party of Two", and "Flowers by the Side of the Road".
The main theater space. We sat in those little red cubicles. Pardon the orbs in the picture. Like I've said all along, interior shots and my camera do not mix well.
I saw the show at Little Red Studio last night. The whole evening was wonderful, but Pass the Salt, Please was utterly brilliant. There was so much going on in it, and just when I thought I had the couple figured out the ground shifted underneath me and I started seeing it from a different angle.
Donn's right that there's a reason it closed the show-- it would be a very tough act to follow.
Is there somewhere that I can read the play? Is it published anywhere?
thanks a lot, patti. if you send me your email, i'll email it to you. i'm at jeffbumbershoot432gmail.com
word is it will be published by my current publishers, but i haven't heard from them yet. :)
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