I hate to follow up one post with a "Part Deux" so quickly, but when this was brought to my attention by my brother, I surfed the web and, lo and behold, he was right. Now, I have five more posters to show you, so...bear with me. The best one's are the last two.
I suppose the left isn't concerned with "turn the other cheek" but more with "do onto others". That's all well and good. But then they shouldn't bitch about the right or the Tea Party members when they protest. Right? No? Ok - here we go.
I'm just gonna shut my mouth and say it's all about the beauty within. It is.
I hate repeating myself. I mentioned this in a previous blog post. According to Urban Dictionary (and pretty much a huge percentage of our society), "teabagging" refers to "the insertion of one man's sack into another person's mouth. Used a practical joke or prank, when performed on someone who is asleep, or as a sexual act". So - a "teabagger" would logically be a person who participates in this action. Yes. See - these protesters think they're being funny. If you want to refer to a member of the Tea Party, refer to them as "Tea Partiers" or "Tea Party Members". Your local open mike down the street probably has available slots for you to sharpen your wit. Making this point at a protest is not making your point. Lemming.
Now this is sad. This guy could be a grandpa. Or someone's husband. To stoop this low...how embarrassing. And to bring Walker's mother into it? If I held up a sign at an anti- illegal alien rally saying, "All Illegals Out! *Not incl. Obama's Auntie", wouldn't that be inappropriate? I think it would. And "swallowing"? This is in bad taste - even for me - in a public forum. The next two posters are the biggies -

Either the Tea Party or anti-Obama protesters were chastised by the left for portraying our president in association with Nazi
swastikas and Hitler moustaches. But it's OK to put the same '
stache on Walker? OK.

A few months ago, the left were all over Sarah
Palin (who I can't stand, by the way) for inciting violence/attempted murder with a graphic that placed
"cross hairs" over some congressional districts? Then there was that shooting in Arizona.....but it's acceptable to put this
cross hair over Governor Walker's face (not the Madison capital or a WI district) ?
The left accuses the right of this. The right accuses the left of that. One side says the other side is skewing the facts. The other side says, no - they're skewing the facts. The bitch in Bel Air thought she was so fucking high and mighty that if it were a sunny California day and she deemed it to be cloudy, it was cloudy. Didn't matter. So, does anyone really know what the fuck is going on? This stat, that stat, this source and that source, Fox says this, MSNBC says that, screw Rachel Maddow and screw Glen Beck....
We don't know shit. Now I've said many times that I don't trust politicians. I don't. The only difference with Governor Walker is that I know Scott personally...since the early to mid-80's. Haven't talked to him in a while (I've been outta the state, he's been entrenched in politics) but if we happened upon each other at some public event (or in the bathroom at the Milwaukee Art Museum, Brewers' game...wherever), we would hug and talk like it was 1985 and we wouldn't miss a beat. He's a good man. And I have to trust that what he's doing - no matter how shitty it comes across - is what's best for the state of Wisconsin. The STATE of WISCONSIN.
What else can I tell you? I got nothin'. Who knows who's really right and who's wrong. But I do know Governor Scott Walker...
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