Flash mob it ain't (but the MJS's Eugene Kane says don't get excited).
This is a flash mob.
Soooooooo...a hundred teenagers - predominantly black teenages - caused a ruckus at Mayfair Mall in Wauwatosa this past Sunday (western suburb of Milwaukee). They knocked down mannequins and merchandise and made all efforts to disrupt mall business. Nine kids were arrested. A gunshot was fired outside the mall around the same time (though it's not clear in the article if it's related to the teen activity in the mall).

Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel columnist Eugene Kane rehashed the event in yesterday's MJS. He states in his "In My Opinion" column that he won't defend any unruly black children (in this case) who ruin people's shopping experiences. That's great, Mr. Kane. Fine. You can stop right there.
Kane (pictured above) goes on to state, "It's too early in 2011 to start getting too excited about this tired old story, which will likely come up again."
In my opinion, Eugene, I'm confused as to WHAT your opinion is.

In my opinion, Eugene, I'm confused as to WHAT your opinion is.
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