Passion = Truth? How Jeffrey James Francis Ircink Sees The World? I love when people are passionate about something. That surging of emotion is the one honest measure of what truth is. It's a truthful display of how a person really feels about something or someone at that particular moment. That passion IS truth.

About me...

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Greendale, Wisconsin, United States
Ex-producer of THE REALLY FUNNY HORNY GOAT INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL, playwright, actor, singer, outdoorsman, blogger, amateur photog, observer & bitcher, Beach Boys groupie, Brett Favre fanatic, lover of everything Celtic and forever a member in the Tribe of HAIR. Spent most of my life in the Village of Waterford, a small town just outside of the Milwaukee suburbs. After 12 years in North Hollywood, Bel Air and Culver City, Cali, I moved back to Wisconsin in September 2009. No regrets - of moving to LA OR moving back to WI. Have traveled to Belfast, Ireland, Dayton (OH), Manhattan, Seattle, Cedar Rapids, New York, Miami and Sydney, Australia with my plays. Moved back into the Village of Greendale where I was born. Life is good.


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

"The slings and arrows suffered by QB Brett Favre". Or "KISS MY ASS!".

I've been meaning to address this but lost track of time. And I know I have a habit of repeating myself, but I've done that since I was 9. So you may have read a few of these items in other posts but I wanted to put them all under one heading - the KISS MY ASS post.

It was reported by several sources (including the douches at that "unnamed sources" said Brett Favre didn't participate in off-field activities and that he kept to himself AND that THAT contributed to the fact that he and the other players didn't gel. What? Here's a summary article from Sporting News on some of the slings and arrows thrown in the path of New York Jets' QB Brett Favre after the Jets went from 8-3 and a possible play-off berth to 9-7, losing to Miami in their final game (meaningless loss, as both New England and Baltimore won). Click on the links within the above-mentioned article for more information.

Didn't gel? Here's the article written in Sporting News about Brett's chemistry with the Jets. Jets' tackle Damien Woody said Brett had just what the Jets needed: "Every championship team that I've ever been on, the one constant was that the chemistry was there," he said. "You've got to have the right chemistry in the locker room. I've been on teams that have been talented but we didn't have the chemistry and it just didn't come together...That's one thing I love about this locker room. We've got really good chemistry and it's only going to get better and I think that's going to carry us a long way this season."

And suddenly it's all Brett's fault that the chemistry disappeared as the Jets' team went 1-4 at the end of the season? Gimme a break. Offensive Coordinator Brian Schottenheimer stated recently, "I never got that sense (on if he sensed there was a lack of chemistry between Favre and his teammates). The way the offensive guys worked, prepared and interacted in the meetings was very professional and also light and loose. I never got that sense. If asked about that, I would not have thought anything other than what I witnessed."

Brett not getting along with teammates? An "anonymous" Jet said Brett Favre had been a "distant" presence in the locker room, according to a Newsday reporter. "There was a lot of resentment in the room about him," the anonymous teammate told Newsday. "He never socialized with us, never went to dinner with anyone." So what. That statement says nothing about Brett. Brett not having dinner with guys affected their play? If that's the case, maybe those players shouldn't be in the NFL. Jets' Center Nick Mangold took issue with the perception that Favre caused any dissension. "We had a good joking and playful banter, but at the same time, he's 39 and I'm 24 , and I'm not expecting him to come over and get a game of Halo in right after practice," Mangold said, referencing the video-game series. As for the charge the anonymous player made about Favre not going to dinner with teammates, Mangold stated, "The reality is he was just going home to be with his kids," he said. "There's a huge difference with that ."

There was also talk Brett spent a lot of time in a private office. Yeh - well, that's what a QB does when he's played under one offense for 16 years...trying to learn the Jets' offense, you dumb asses.

On Bill Cowher shunning the Jets coaching job because he wants no part of coaching Favre? No one ever proved that assertion. One of Cowher's stipulations was that he wanted to bring in his own personnel AND he was fairly certain he wanted to wait to coach until 2010.

In that same Sporting News article, Teddy Atlas claimed (Atlas is a boxing trainer/motivational speaker/special asst. coach/douche bag and friend of Coach Eric Mangini) that Jets owner Woody Johnson "forced" the trade on Mangini, and called Favre "basically a selfish guy", AND that Mangini and Favre had a strained relationship. Mangini denied all of that once he took the Browns' coaching a matter of fact, here's exactly what Mangini stated about his relationship with the Jets. What does "strained" mean anyway? Did Mangini and Favre perhaps disagree on some things? Probably. But it's funny how Mangini could have such a strained relationship with Brett so much so that he (Mangini) named his 3rd son after Brett.

Mangini: "I really enjoyed my time with Brett. I think Brett's obviously a Hall of Fame quarterback. He came into a really challenging situation. I respected how important it was for him to be one of the guys, to fit into the team. I really liked the time that I spent with him...There were definitely things that I could have done better as a head coach. There were definitely things that the coaches could have done better. There were definitely things that we could have done better as a group of players...But it's never one person, it's never one play. It's everybody collectively doing a better job than we did during that stretch.''

I know. "Well what's Mangini gonna say?". Well Teddy Atlas isn't Eric Mangini and I know for a FACT that THIS is what Mangini said. Atlas' comment is heresay and, therefore, douche-esque.

When all is said and done, Jets' owner Mike Tannebaum, new Jets' Coach Rex Ryan and offensive coordinator Brian Schottenheimer all said they want Brett back. Now you can say, "well that's what they SAY NOW, but..." Fine. But THEY SAID IT. Not an anonymous source. No unnamed sources. So don't listen to half-ass media reports or knee-jerk reactions by one or two players who shouldn't be mouthing off in the first place. If Brett decides to come back, he has a place with the Jets and we'll all know about it when he makes his decision.

All that other bullshit? Has nothing to do with anything. Just mindless dribble to get noticed. It's just LOAD TALK.


Anonymous said...

Why didn't Brett share the same room with the other players in Green Bay?

Jeffrey James Ircink said...

hey anti-favre...why is that such a big deal anyway? favre washed his own dick in the shower i heard, too. does that matter?

and he had a locker in the same room with everyone else in GB. this whole "sharing the same room" story is worthless and weak - like your rant.

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