Sunday, February 15, 2009

You don't have to be good looking to talk your way out of a ticket. Just don't speak English.

A friend of mine has a friend who's a cop in Santa Rosa, California. The cop told my friend that he stopped a car for a moving violation. Turns out the driver couldn't speak English. And the cop let'm go. Wait - he was FORCED to let them go.

Seems that if you can't speak English and can't understand English, legally you can't be given a ticket because you can't...oh what's the use in explaining this? Why SHOULD this need explaining? This is a travesty. It's a joke. Only in America does every God damn thing with a pulse have "rights". If you lack skills, you don't get a job. If you lack money, you can't buy a car or home. And only in America can you lack the ability to talk or understand the native tongue and have that translate into your RIGHT to NO FINE and NO POINTS off your license.

How's that for American hospitality?

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