Sunday, February 15, 2009

Origami No. 20. A post Valentine poem from DG to MM.

Watching you at lake's end,
Stepping barefoot on the rocks,
like a little girl hopping on the rocks,
Speaking of your fondness for diamonds.
What a pleasant day.
I married you a little bit then.

- Donovan Glover, 1997

My friend Donovan wrote this to his future wife, Maria, about 4 months after they began dating.

(Origami is sort of my catchword for a featured blog entry that highlights my original writings - could be an excerpt from one of my plays, a poem, a song, a rant, a rave, a cursing, etc. Origami is the art of folding paper (the word is of Japanese origin). So, within the folds of this particular blog feature you may find something really beautiful, meaningful or poignant.)

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