Sunday, February 15, 2009

AZ man finds out his property isn't his to protect.

Imagine you have property in California, New Mexico, Arizona, or Texas adjacent to the Mexican border. Imagine your property is used as a thoroughfare for illegal alien traffic. What would you do? One Arizona man has been fighting back - and now 16 illegal aliens are suing him.

According to court documents, one of the 16 illegal immigrants is a convicted felon deported from this country after a 1993 arrest by U.S. authorities on drug charges. Gerardo Gonzalez, described in a lawsuit brought by the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF) as a 38-year-old Mexican citizen, was convicted in September 1993 for possession of a controlled substance for sale and ordered deported to his home country.

The idea that this lawsuit even made it into our courts is a fucking joke. Face it, Americans...this is no longer just YOUR country. Get used to it.

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