Monday, February 16, 2009

"You're a bastard from a basket!", or Am I sick 'cause I cheered for Daniel Planview at the end of "There Will Be Blood"?

I just saw this movie last night. I know - I'm late. Hey - I saw Citizen Kane for the first time a couple years ago. So drink my milkshake.

Oscar winner Daniel Day-Lewis' turn as the character Daniel Plainview in There Will Be Blood was as greedy and lecherous as any oil man could possibly be. Aside from that, the man, I felt, had some redeeming qualities. He loved his son (tough love); he was ambitious, created jobs, determined, etc. And I must say I thoroughly enjoyed his character's use of a bowling pin at the end of the movie (won't spoil it for those of you who haven't seen the movie).

There's a post at The from February of last year: "Overthinking 'Blood': What did Daniel Plainview tell Eli?" that addresses an inaudible conversation between the character Plainview and preacher Eli Sunday. There are some humorous suggestions by readers in the comment section regarding the possible dialogue that was exchanged between the two men.

My buddy Nick commented that Planview reminded him of me. I believe it was a compliment. Oh...and Plainview had no conscience. I do.

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