Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tagliabu = pussy.

In his official mediation, former NFL commissioner Paul Tagliabue ruled that, though the New Orleans Saints coaching staff is to be held accountable for the illegal bounties (Google it) and confirmed the Saints players cooperated in the scheme, all the players were doing was following orders. Thus, the four players suspended - Jpnathan Vilma, Anthony Hargrove, Scott Fujita and Will Smith - will have their suspensions wiped clean.
I don't even know what that means. They were involved - but just following orders. Are there little children now playing in the NFL? They can be fined but not suspended. I still don't know what that means. "Following orders"? What does that remind you of in history? Think WWII.
From now on, the word "pussy" in my vocabulary will be replaced with "tagliabue . Or "taggy".

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