Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Jeff's Fav Christmas Albums. "Midwinter - Terry McDade with the McDades".

I love Christmas and I love Christmas songs. So - here are my favorite 10 Christmas albums, one at a time. No particular order so I didn't number them - just the album title.

Canadian Terry McDade and his children combine harp, flute, fiddle, guitar and pipes to present a Celtic, earthy, soulful blend for the holidays. Midwinter (2001) is tough to find anywhere but online. I can't even point you to a place to hear the album. I can, however, let you sample the album here. And - my favorite tune from this album, "The Huron Carol", can be heard in its entirety here.

Albums thus far:  Merry Christmas, Johnny Mathis (1958), Midwinter (2001).

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