I've visited a number of anti-Walker sites that have popped up on Facebook - Wisconsin Against Rebecca Kleefisch, 540,000 To See Scott Walker Out of Wisconsin January 12, 2012, etc. One genius, Trevor Teeters, referred to the "Republicunts" and called me an "asshole". I've posted about the various signage people carried...not once - but twice.
So I'm on the "recall Kleefisch" page and the administrator refers to the governor as "Scotty". I suggested "Governor Walker". You know, a bit o' decorum, I thought, would lend credibility to their cause. But no one seemed interested in that. I was told to "get off my high horse" and then I was give a "time-out" (this was all before they discovered I wasn't really on their side and got booted).
Now that comment comes from the ADMINISTRATOR of that page. Interesting. "Not concerned about being taken seriously."
Call it "trolling" if you'd like. However, I've said this before and I'll say it again. How is having a one-sided discussion beneficial to your cause? 40,000 members of a FB page sitting around and echoing every other commenter while patting each other on the back accomplishes what? Not that they'll agree with me but perhaps my comments (and others) might force people to look through their blinders and see the other side of the issue - and not act like an asshole.
But be fleet of foot. You'll get booted real quick.
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