Saturday, May 1, 2010

May Day, Schmay Day.

May Day (the 1st day of May) signifies a day where various labor celebrations are conducted throughout the world. In recent times, it's been used in the U.S. to protest the treatment of illegal aliens. More often then not, marches center on the plight of illegals from Mexico and other Spanish-speaking countries. The picture above was taken today in Washington D.C.

Look at the girl holding the poster that states, "My dreams are not illegal". She's right. "Dreams" are not illegal - but an illegal alien in the U.S. dreaming is illegal. The phrasing on her sign would seem to indicate that SHE herself is an illegal alien.

Idiots. Another example of how our government has shied away from dealing with this issue. If I were a cop, I'd question her to see if she is an illegal alien and to see if she's got the legal papers that give her the right to be in this country. But the cops won't. Pathetic.

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