Saturday, May 1, 2010

Grecian 5 sucks.

I usually use Just for Men but this shit was on sale. Big mistake.

I don't have a ton of gray - just in my beard. Problem is that with the unique beard I have (a Klingap), if I don't shave the rest of my face, the gray blends in and you can't see my beard.

I have three issues with Grecian 5: a) once you pop the cap on one of the applicators, there's no way to cover that bottle, b) the directions say that any mix left over can be reused but there's no where to store it, and c) it didn't work. I left it on for an inordinate amount of time and nothing. When I tried to use the leftover stuff - same result. Nothing.

I will be calling 1-800-431-2610 to get a refund.

(See that picture of the dude in the beard toward the bottom? Its say, "For Beards and Moustaches, Too." Now perhap this is an advertisement for a different product; however, it is positioned as though this product will work for beards and moustaches as well. Deceptive advertising, if that's the case.)

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