Monday, January 25, 2010

Pheasant. Sans glass.

"Fesaunt excedeth all fowles in sweetnesse and holsomnesse,
and is equall to capon in nourishynge."

- Sir Thomas Elyot

We dined on pheasant this evening in celebration of the the Minnesota Vikings' 12-4 regular season and making it to the NFC Championship. I shot it with my bow & arrow a couple weeks ago. And I agree with Sir Thomas - pheasant is tastier than any foul I've eaten. SKOL FAVRE! SKOL VIKINGS! I am proud to be a Minnesota Viking fan.


  1.'re all about truth so I must correct you on one are not a Vikings fan, you are a Brett Favre fan.

    Otherwise you would still be a Jets fan like you were last year...

    Good seeing you guys on Saturday night...

  2. now let me correct you, cuz. the Jets are in the past. one Jets' player (Jones) and some unnamed Jets, Jets' media and Jets' fans shit on Brett. i have thoroughly enjoyed watching Favre & Co. all season and i fully intend on being a fan of the team even if Brett doesn't come back. have been corrected.

    good seeing you saturday as well.
