Monday, November 16, 2009

Favre & Co. play with Lions, 27-10. Vikes, 8-1.

Either Brett's thinking 1) WTF? I can't believe we're letting the Lions stick around, or 2) WTF?? 300 consecutive starts?!?! Man, that's cool.

Honestly, I never felt like we'd lose this game but I was getting nervous as the Vikings were practically handing opportunities over the the Lions. Mostly, due to Mr. Adrian Peterson. Sure he had two running scores but he could've had a third (had the ball knocked out in the endzone and it was recovered by the Lions), was responsible for a bad hand-off that resulted in Lions' recovering and was stopped on a 4th and inches play for a first down deep in Lions' territory. Peterson's good, but his greatness has been overhyped, in my book. Remember that talk early in the season - about Favre's job merely being one of handing the ball to AP? No. Hasn't been "just that" at all.

Above: Peterson congratulating Rice on catching a Favre bomb. NEXT WEEK: Seattle (3-6) @ Vikes (8-1).


  1. There is no such thing as "too much football".... =) i want more....

  2. btw... LOVE LOVE LOVE the jazz....
