Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Driver says "legacy tarnished" for Favre is bull.

"My own opinion is that his legacy is not going to be tarnished by anything," Driver told Sirius XM radio. "He’s going to be able to still retire as a Green Bay Packer. I don’t think anyone will ever wear the No. 4 jersey in Green Bay ever again. It would not hurt him. I think when you love the game as much as he loves it, (if) you’re going to go somewhere else and play, then you’re going to go somewhere else and play. And that’s one thing we don’t have control over. We don’t have control over our careers. Sometimes you play with a team for a certain amount of years and they let you go and you still feel like you can play, you’re going to go out and play and that doesn’t matter where it’s at."

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