Friday, April 10, 2009

Octomom is Octo-trash.

I wasn't going to waste my time blogging about this idiot. But everywhere I turn, there the bitch is. Now it looks as though she's going to get a television show (I can't put her picture on my blog or I'll throw up).

I could care less about the money she's given for book deals or appearances. It's her life. But any monies she receives from the government to help her care for her - how many is it...43? - children is highway robbery AND it makes her a letch and a pariah on our system. Talk about feeding off the system - and she's doing it with forethought and thumping it right in front of everyone's noses! I'm sorry (but I'm not) but is this woman mentally ill? How can anyone in their right mind think they can offer the proper love and care for as many children as she has? It's fucking ridiculous is what it is.

I feel for the children. But that's the luck of the draw - being born to a woman who is pathetically irresponsible and needs to have her uterus removed...and quickly. Someone disagree with me, please - and leave a comment. I HAVE to hear why anyone would condone this behavior.

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