Friday, April 10, 2009

My revamped original play blog: Bumbershoot.

I thought I'd try a new blog site for my original plays. I'd been using Blogger but wanted a change - didn't like the way it looked. Blah. So I went to Wordpress. Bumbershoot - The Plays of Jeffrey James Ircink. Looks a tad more professional. And cleaner. Take a gander if you're interested. You get a synopsis of each play and you can click on "read the rest of this entry" to read a 20-page dialogue sample of the play.

One thing about Wordpress for all you bloggers out there, setting up links is a breeze compared to Blogger. One-click and you're done. Oh - if you don't check out the blog, the picture I used for the blog banner is an original called, "Mossy rocks in a creek". I was in a hurry to name it. Didn't think it was a big deal at the time but I get a lot of remarks that the photograph looks like a painting. Maybe I did think it was "something" or I wouldn't have taken it. Who knows - I was drinking at the time (it was during our annual walleye fishing trip up at the Rainbow Flowage in Lake Tomahawk, WI).

And "bumbershoot" is a slang British term for "umbrella".

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