Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Banned in Malta, it's "Stitching's" turn to shock me.

“Superb, often disturbing."
- The New Yorker

Kenneth Jones wrote in Playbill (5/16/08), ' "Stitching" follows the increasingly disturbing and inventive games the couple plays in order to connect. As they circle and test each other, they role-play with reality and fantasy to the point where even they don't seem sure what is real anymore.'

He also said "Stitching" 'would make Edward Albee's characters sit up and take notice'. That's "George" and "Martha" from "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?". You know the play, right?

Going to see "Stitching: A Twisted Love Story" tomorrow evening with my friend, Marisa. Looking forward to a rousing night of theater.

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