It's not looking for just wants the problem fixed.
So says NAACP CEO Benjamin Jealous. With the mortgage debacle in the thick of our country's economic crisis, one would think the two most important issues to address are 1) go after the lending companies who approved mortgages to people who shouldn't received them, and 2) go after the people who had no business applying for and getting said mortgages but did so anyway because they're greedy dumb asses.
But the NAACP doesn't care about that. Under subprime lending, people who don't qualify for lower interest rates can borrow money at higher rates. The NAACP is arguing that the companies gave subprime rates to African-Americans who qualified for better rates and gave better rates to white customers with similar credit histories.
Which is discriminatory, I agree. So go after the blacks and whites who had no business applying for a mortgage because they're greedy assholes and go after the lending institutions who approved the mortgages. Let everything settle down and get back to normal. THEN address the discriminatory bank practices. Why can't the NAADUMBASS just forget about "race issues" until we get everything straightened out? Geezus Christ.
And change the name of your organization already. "NAACP" offends me.
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