Well Playboy turns 55 this year and I just wanted to say Happy Birthday and congratulations to Hugh Hefner for coming up with such a grand idea. :)
One complaint. The centerfold spread seems to be shrinking every year. The January 2009 edition, 55th Anniversary Playmate, Dasha Astafieva, has all but 5 pages of pictures + centerfold. That's ridiculous. I've called Hef and personally told him this - well, I called his secretary. Mary, I think - she's been with him for 30 years or so. Had a buddy who used to work there and I still have Hef's office number. Shhh.
ABOVE: Miss April, Regina from Germany.
One other thing, all the Playmates from 2008 are previewed in the January 2009 issue because Hef will pick Playmate of the Year - 2008 soon. My best guess? It'll come down to Miss May - AJ Alexander or Miss April - Regina Deutinger. If I picked, Miss April would win. I'll also say that Miss July - Laura Croft and Miss September - Valerie Mason both have an onside chance.
(You'll have to google them guys - sorry.) Now can I please get back to reading the article on Norman Mailer???
i was wrong - on all 4 picks. PMOY 2009 (for the 2008 year...don't get that) is Miss March, Ida Lungqvist.