Saturday, January 24, 2009

Global gag rule on abortion OUT.

President Barack Obama has signed an executive order authorizing the use of federal funds for international groups that perform abortions or provide information on the procedure outside of the U.S.

Reagan made the gag rule so. Clinton reversed it. Bush made it so again. Obama reversed it. Huh - sounds like an easy enough presidential task to me. I wonder what a Libertarian would do?

Tod Preston, spokesperson for Population Action International, said "women's health has been severely impacted by the cutoff of assistance...President Obama's actions will help reduce the number of unintended pregnancies, abortions and women dying from high-risk pregnancies because they don't have access to family planning."

You know what. Screw Tod Preston, and the ISLAND he lives on and screw PAT. Hey, I'm PRO CHOICE. I'm also in favor of helping to control the world's population. And I don't care who is in office - Republican or Democrat. But I'll repeat for the Tod Preston's of the world who have their heads up their asses - why is the U.S. spending $1 for other women's abortions internationally when we have our own economic crisis to deal with? Am I asking too much? What in the hell is wrong with people? And for those of you who can't read, let me repeat before you start to comment and rip my head off: I'm in favor of what this executive order mandates BUT ONLY when we have our own house in order should we be handing out money to people overseas. I'm not talking about defense spending or any other spending - I'm talking about this executive order.

This is typical bleeding heart liberal rationale: gotta help every Tom, Dick, Harry and Mustafa across the globe because we're AMERICA and other people are suffering. Am I being a bit overly ethnocentric? God damn right I am. Let's do an experiment: give me all the money in your saving's account. I'm going to appropriate it for some cause that feeds people in India. I don't care what sort of strains it puts on your pocketbook - starving people in India have to eat. It's good PR - makes a looks good overseas. Now what do you think of that idea? Are you OK with that?

Unless you're in deranged, in a home or dead, you're aware of our country's financial crisis. Charity is wonderful and I'm all for it - here and abroad. But who will help the international community when we can't? Who will help us?

When we get America's checkbook balanced, then...let the charity begin.

1 comment:

  1. You know that's the irony about Democrats. They want to help everyone in the world yet rip on Bush for freeing people in Iraq from a confirmed brutal dictator.

    It seems like the left just wants to pick and choose their agenda and isn't consistent at all.
