Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My goddaughter is a Capricorn! Gwyneth McCann Glover...welcome to the world!!!!!

My goddaughter was born at 1:30 a.m today - January 13th, 8 lbs., 1 ounce in what was a quick one hour labor. Maria had been going through contractions for the last two weeks so I guess when my goddaughter was ready to come on out - she did.

Oddly enough, it's Maria's birthday today! Oh my...the greatest gift she could receive. And Donovan's mother's birthday is tomorrow.

Capricorns always climb higher and higher; never content until reaching the top. They have a bit of the adventurous spirit or ambition in them and are happy to remain within a small domain, refusing to budge unless it is pushed. They are patient and persevering. They reach their goals because they know the longest journey commences with a single step and that the first step is always the most difficult. Capricornians must try to balance work with play; otherwise they can become too one-sided and work can replace true personal emotional fulfilment. Romantically, they desire a permanent relationship with someone who'll give them the affection they crave (and often neglect to give themselves!)

1 comment:

  1. Jeff,
    I know you've been waiting for this baby to be born. I hope she's as beautiful as her little sister! Lucky Maria, to have her little girl born on her birthday!!
