Tuesday, January 13, 2009

"God damn the King!" A clip from "John Adams".

While I'm on the subject of HBO's "John Adams", here's a reprint from a July 4th post. I apologize for the quality. Seems the original clip was removed from YouTube for a terms of use violation (though other clips remain up and running), so I'm stuck with someone who videotaped their TV. You get the picture.

"From the HBO mini series, "John Adams", this scene depicts the moment when our Founding Fathers were notified by King George of England that if they do not cease their talk of rebellion, they will all be hanged.

Powerful. One of my pet peeves is people who bitch and moan and yet say nothing, while those who DO have the nerve to speak out are said to be "angry" or "bitter" or "opinionated". Well how do you think our Founding Fathers felt when a bounty was put on their heads? These men put their lives and their family's lives on the chopping block in order to write a Declaration of Independence that not only benefit them, but all Americans from that day forward...That's John Hancock reading King George's letter, Thomas Jefferson (redhead), Paul Giamatti is John Adams, the guy who says "God damn the king" is Samuel Adams, and I'm sure you'll recognize Ben Franklin."

1 comment:

  1. Amazing...politicians these days don't stand for anything b/c they may lose a vote or have a bad article written about them.

    Our founding fathers stood by their principles so much so that they risked their lives as well as their families.

    Our present day politicians should take notice. That's one thing you can say about George Bush, he believed what he believed regardless of media pressure.
