Saturday, August 2, 2008

Thoughts on a $20 million dollar bribe. I'm sorry - "personal services contract".

First off, let me be clear upfront on my stance (if you already didn't know) regarding the Brett Favre/Green Bay Packer standoff/debacle/clusterfuck: the Packer management are assholes and can go to hell. If Brett is officially reinstated by Commissioner Goodall (who I'm beginning to think is a douche bag as well) and doesn't start this season for the Packers I am boycotting the entire Packer football season. The $20 million offered to Brett to remain retired but as an "ambassador" for the Packers is a bribe any way you look at it.

Wanna hear my conspiracy theory?

(WAIT! There's more...)

That being said, let's take a step back and look at this from an objective stance. Brett's damned if he shows up to Packer training camp and damned if he takes the money. In a recent ESPN poll, readers were asked, "what would you think if Brett Favre accepted the monetary compensation from the Green Bay Packers to remain retired and act as a Packer ambassador", 10% said they'd respect him more, 47% said respect him less and 42% said it would have no impact on they're feelings toward him. Fine. The same people who are yelling for Brett to stay retired and stay away from the Packer training camp are the same idiots saying if you take the money, I lose respect for you.

But what if there's a hidden clause is this $20 million deal we aren't privy to? It sounded as though initially Brett was cold to the proposal - a proposal the Packers are saying was on the table in March after Brett retired. If I were of the Packers' mindset right now - once of advanced dementia - I'd propose the $20 bribe pay-off...Favre balks at it...then I'd say, "here's the deal: Aaron Rogers gets hurt or we have to bench him because of his performance, we call "the Ambassador - Brett Favre" in out of retirement to save the day?"

Far-fetched? This arrangement can only benefit the Packers. They're in the midst of the franchise's worst PR nightmare right now. This clause is their safety net IF the team and their master plan of "moving on" backfires. The deal keeps Favre out of training camp and prevents the circus from getting even more out of hand; Favre stays retired with no possibility of going to another team, keeping him on the payroll as an "ambassador" - JUST LIKE THE DOLPHINS DID WITH DAN MARINO; and, if the Packers are wrong about heir-apparent Rogers and his ability to lead the Pack to the playoffs, the Pack and GM Thompson look magnanimous by having Favre ride in to save the day.

Obviously Favre gets the short end of this stick. He doesn't get to play by retiring - and it's only a slight chance in hell the Packers call him back to relieve Rogers. Keep in mind - Brett never expected the Packers to NOT LET HIM COME BACK AND START. But Favre's loyalty to the Packers is strong - maybe overriding his love of the game and his desire to play - AND he would prefer not to have his presence cause a circus in training camp because he cares about his former teammates and the franchise he spend 16 years with and he could care less about any amount of money the Packers offer him.

It's a thought. Again - I want what's best for Brett - and the Packers. And that's Brett as their starting QB.

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