Saturday, August 2, 2008

Mike Vandermause just called me and other Brett Favre fans, "ignorant" and "arrogant".

In Mike Vandermause's column: "Face it, fans, money is part of the game", Mike defends the recent Packers' offer to Brett Favre of $20 million over a 10-year period if he stays retired (see my posts below).

You can read the entire article by clicking the link above, but here's an excerpt:

"As for the Packers, they have designated Aaron Rodgers their starter. History will judge the wisdom of that decision, but in the meantime the Packers can’t have Favre’s long shadow looming over Rodgers. They also would be foolish to give Favre an opportunity to play for the Vikings, who are just a good quarterback away from becoming a bona fide Super Bowl contender."

Foolish to give Favre the opportunity to play for the Vikings???? Why not? Favre obviously isn't good enough to play for them so why in the hell should the Packers care, you big dumb ass??!?!?!?!??!?

"In the end, it comes down to a business decision for both sides. Anyone wanting to make more out of it than that is either ignorant, arrogant or both."

Now Mike just called me ignorant and arrogant. Once again I apologize for swearing but who the fuck are you calling me ignorant and arrogant, you asshole? Anybody ever been on Nobody likes Mike. 75%+ of the people who comment on anything to do with Mike and what he writes hate him.

Mike, you just wanna sit back and take it up the ass like Favre is expected to do. You just want to kiss ass and continue on like nothing's happening here. I won't blame Brett if he takes the Packer bribe either because I genuinely believe he has loyalty to this team (not sure why he'd continue along that line of thinking anymore) and he truly doesn't want to be a distraction to his former teammates. But that doesn't mean I'll be complacent like you and others like you and go along with this charade of Thompson pretending to do what's best for the Packer organization by fielding a less-than-superior team in starting Rogers over Favre JUST BECAUSE "Brett retired and we've moved on".

BULLSHIT! So please keep your opinions about me to yourself until you've read something on my blog that I've written or until you've read one of my original plays (STAN'S ADDICTION available at Heuer Publishing). And until you read something I've written, why don't you shut the fuck up and don't EVER CALL ME ARROGANT AND IGNORANT until you know me, you pretensious, holier-than-though piece of shit.

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