Thursday, July 31, 2008

Packer GM Ted Thompson and Gangster Al Capone. Kindred Spirits.

Al Capone. Head of Chicago mob, hails from the cold, Midwest. Control freak; willing to do anything for his own gain. Crook. Alleged mastermind of the St. Valentine's Day Massacre. Suffered from an advanced stage of syphilis, causing his behavior to become erratic and unstable.

Ted Thompson. Head of Green Bay Packers (GM) and also hails from the Midwest. Control freak; willing to do anything for his own gain, including massacring the reputation of one the most storied franchises in the NFL. Alleged mastermind of refusing to let Brett Favre start as the GB Packer quarterback in July 2008 after Brett had a change of heart upon retiring in March 2008. Crook - bribed Brett Favre with $20 million to stay retired. Also accused by Jeff Ircink, Jason Ircink and thousands of others of "throwing a football season" whereas Thompson has opted to not field the best team prior to the 2008 NFL football season by his choice to start his draft pick, Aaron Rogers, over Brett Favre - Favre being clearly the better of the two. Suffers from - well, we don't know yet. But it's something. Thompson's recent erratic and unstable behavior is helping to secure his legacy as "worst move by a GM in the history of professional sports".

Capone is dead. Ted Thompson lives, lurking like an NFL owner around Lambeau Field. Do not approach him as he is considered to be dangerously off-kilter these days. But if he offers you money for doing nothing - take it. Apparently he's got $20 million growing on a tree somewhere.

1 comment:

  1. Skip,
    I'm writing you about this because you seem to be the only one grounded enough to see things as they really are with the favre fiasco.
    Here goes:

    This is a travesty and I’m sick of hearing the ridiculous excuses. the writing was on the wall for several years now and its obvious there is no denying that now. I don’t blame favre a bit for being indecisive. I would be too if I knew the GM wanted me gone. no ego huh? yeah right. Ted, sorry but you should be fired and then YOU can go do charity work!
    I’m a life long packer fan (37 years) and there is no way I will root for the packers this year if favre is not the starting QB. Not after this.
    I will never forgive this bull headed BS! mark my words ted thompson will never work in the NFL again after this is over.and deservedly so!
    Better start lining up the charity work now ted, because your days are numbered.

    A side not to Mike McCarthy..

    Hey Mike, you said 21 players never even met Brett Favre, wouldn’t that also mean they had never met Aaron Rogers too? atleast prior to this season. considering favre hasn’t been allowed back this year thats a ridiculous statement.
    more bs propaganda if you ask me.
    and btw..IMHO anyone taking teds side on this was already a closet favre hater. That or their head is further up their ass then teds!
    Thank you - a FORMER packer fan :(
