Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Blogs I Like - Everything Martha Stewart.

Not really.

But I happened upon Martha's website because she had recently posted a picture of herself with Paul Newman (who I do like) and I wanted to take a look. On the left panel of Martha's blog - which can be found within her website - there's a category, "Blogs I Like" - much like the "Cool Sites for Your Pleasure" category I have on the right panel of my this blog.

Every blog Martha lists - save one - are HER blogs. At least, they're all under the umbrella of "", with contributing posts from a variety of people who might know her or they have password to post...whatever.

Anyway, I just thought it was funny that there were no other blogs Martha "liked" save her own. She obviously hasn't perused PASSION = TRUTH now, has she?

I'm ambivalent towards Martha. I was satisfied she did time for her crime and that's sorta it. When she was placed under house arrest for five months and had to wear an ankle bracelet, she said something that left me dumbfounded.

While serving time in prison she said, "But like everyone else here," she wrote, "I would rather be doing all of this in my own home, and not here -- away from family and friends." Then when she was sent to her home to serve the remaining five months, she said something along the lines of 'being confined in my home wearing this ankle bracelet is hideous - in some ways prison was much better". (I'm paraphrasing). Really? I mean, I know she bitched about the ankle bracelet hurting, but prison was better than being in your own home - with privacy? Never understood that.

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