From today's rally (and I quote), "...we are here for them to respect us as a people, to treat us with dignity and respect, so we are not only asking for legalization but we are asking to see us like they see everybody else - not 2nd class, not 3rd class but as 1st class...". And can you believe, even after last year's May Day rally, there are still illegal idiots marching down the streets with Mexican Flags? Morons.
Click READ MORE, if you'd like to find out what my 6-point plan is to help curb this problem.
This is laughable. These illegals should be treated like the criminals they are. It has nothing to do with their dignity or them being a "class of peoples below 1st class". Why should we look at them the same as we look at people who are citizens OR are here with work visas? INS should've been present at the event and rounded up every one of the the illegal aliens and shipped them back to their country.
Our mayor is a joke - he spoke at the march last favor of the marchers. He shows up at these rallies in support of the rights of illegal aliens (he should be bounced from office just for that). What rights should these people have? And what rights do the companies who hire them have? NONE! These people are in the U.S. ILLEGALLY! Get it through your God damn heads, people. Our government and Corporate America are just as much to blame as the pregnant woman who swims across a Texas river, only to show up dripping wet in a hospital and in the process, dumping her newborn baby off on American soil - Voila! - instant fucking American citizenship. And you and I pay for her hospital bill to boot. But you can't say anything against Momma and her anchor baby because your comments will be construed as racist. It's not racist to be against illegal aliens entering our country and anyone who thinks it is racist is a dumb ass. In asserting that statement, I'm simply acting as a proponent of what our country's laws state.
This country is becoming a real piece of work, let me tell you. I'm sorry for swearing but our principles are getting all fucked up and our crooked politicians don't wanna put their heads on the block for fear of losing their jobs. Where our the true leaders - our patriots, like OUR Founding Fathers: John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Adams, John Hancock? Leaders who will take a stand on this issue? How difficult is it? Christ. Worried about your job security? Worried about the labor force that we "can't live without"? Fine. Here's the Jeff Ircink plan:
1) Grant amnesty to those illegals who are already here. There's the workforce in tact. Make them U.S. citizens and make them pay taxes.
2) Reword the 14th Amendment so that babies born to illegals are not automatically "instant U.S. citizens".
3) Wall or no wall, shoot-to-kill order for people crossing the border. If you honestly think capturing them and returning them to whence they came is the solution - you're wrong. They'll just turn around and come back. Really, if they're that stupid to cross the border knowing a cross hairs is on their forehead, then let them cross. I'm dead serious about this. You remember how successful the Berlin Wall was, don't you? Now before you go wacky and start calling me a Comm-Simp - I'm not suggesting a wall and a killing zone that separates OUR own country (like in Germany) - just separating us from everyone who's not US. What's the alternative folks? Open up our borders so anyone can come in? It's not affecting you directly now so you don't give a rat's ass. They'll come a time though when you'll start to feel the squeeze - then, THEN suddenly you'll be the first one's bitching. Isn't that how most people are? Not my problem. Guy at work said that to me today. "It's not affecting me." OK, Jack (not his name) - when the national language of the United States of America is changed to a language other than English, don't come crying to me in Spanish.
4) Allow our police force to arrest and deport illegal aliens. Right now, they don't do it because it falls under the job description of the INS. Here's a startling fact, of the approximate 300 prisoners being held in one particular Iowa city's jail - 1/3 are illegal. If the crime they've committed isn't deemed "serious" enough, INS won't come and get them...unless the state has a specific unit set aside for such matters. And most don't.
5) Companies who hire illegal aliens should be shut down - immediately. All their business goes to a competitior.
6) Limit terms for our politicians. They they won't have to worry about the job being at stake if they do what's right for their constituents and this country. No more career politicians.
I understand numbers 3 and 5 are harsh. But harsh times call for harsh measures. Let me ask you this: do you think there's a problem with theft in the Middle East or China? No - because if you're caught stealing they chop off your hand. But that's beneath the U.S. We're too civil for such extreme measures. But we'll continue to ignore the elephant in the room when it comes to the illegal immigrant issue. We'll condemn the hiring of illegals, yet allow companies to build shelters for illegal aliens to hang around in while waiting outside - Home Depot, for example - for work. We'll continue to say that the illegal alien has rights, pay for their medical bills, pay for them to have their babies here, let the drive on our roads with no insurance, pay for their tuition and anything else we pay illegal aliens for. We talk and we talk and we talk some more. And the elephant sits in the room eating its peanuts while it freeloads off U.S. taxpayers.
Rights for illegal aliens? Here's a right - turn around and march RIGHT back over the border or wherever you entered MY COUNTRY from ILLEGALLY. I should just stay in the Northwoods of Wisconsin while on my fishing trip and become a hermit. This living in civilization thing is getting to be a pain in the ass.
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