Friday, May 2, 2008

i hate it when people say...

..."where were you? I was looking all over for you."

As if you were off doing nothing. This person looking for you supposedly has had their nose to the grindstone, working their ass off - and, on top of that, they've been running all over the place looking for you. They're intimating that you're not where you're "supposed to be". First of all, what business of it is theirs"where I was"? If I thought you needed to know where I was I would've told you, you dumb bastard. Second of all - well there is no second point, really.

The Mexican gardeners used say this to me all the time when I lived on the bitch's property in Bel Air. Like - it's 10 acres. People frequently disappear on 10 acres. Maybe I was taking a shit. Do you mind?

So the next time you run into me don't say, "where have you been - I've been looking all over for you."

That's a good way for me to bite your head off.

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